Hey, people.
I got a external modem (US Robotics v90 56k) Great modem, but i have some problems using it.
First i got the message "NO CARRIER"
After 1 day searching the web i tryed to place the original modem initialization string (ATZ4 instead just ATZ- default for KPPP)
ok, i dont have the "No Carrier" message any more, but now he
try to conect (i listem to the "fax noise") and kppp says he is registering the user on net. So, he gives me a Tiem out message
I have started kppp from a terminal to see the progress and here is the result:
Opener: received OpenDevice
Opener: received ExecPPPDaemon
In parent: pppd pid 3471
Couldn't find interface ppp0: Dispositivo inexistente
/* "Dispositimo inesistente" means "there is no device"*/
Kernel supports ppp alright.
Couldn't find interface ppp0: Dispositivo inexistente
. /*About 250 times*/
Couldn't find interface ppp0: Dispositivo inexistente12
Opener: received KillPPPDaemon
In killpppd(): Sending SIGTERM to 3471
It was pppd that died
pppd exited with return value 9
Sending 3454 a SIGUSR1
Opener: received RemoveSecret
Opener: received RemoveSecret
Opener: received OpenResolv
Opener: received OpenResolv
Opener: received RemoveLock
Opener: received OpenSysLog
He just doesnot find /dev/ppp0
Ok, i dont find it too, because theres no /dev/kppp0
but there is kppp and others
Now i send the log file from kppp
Oct 18 21:19:28 venus pppd[3471]: pppd 2.4.1 started
by root, uid 0
Oct 18 21:19:58 venus pppd[3471]: Terminating on
signal 15.
Oct 18 21:19:58 venus pppd[3471]: Exit.
Thanks a lot, people.
oh, i had this problem at Red Hat 8, so i instaled RH 9 and the problem persists.
Thanks a LOT.
Fabio Maximo
. .--. Fabio Maximo
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