External MIDI doesn't work with Turtle Beach Riviera
Well, I finally got the FM synth on my new Turtle Beach Riviera sound card to work, but now I'm having a bit of trouble with the external MIDI. I'd like to be able to record music from a General MIDI keyboard using Rosegarden, but I just get a dialog saying "JACK audio subsystem is losing sample frames" whenever I try to record, and nothing is recorded. I also tried recording using arecordmidi, and that just produced some very small (albeit several minutes in length) files which produce no sound at all when played back. I tried arecordmidi -l and it told me there was one device:
62:0 Midi Through Midi Through Port-0
but I'm not sure if that's a real device because it also appears on the aplaymidi -l device list and nothing happens when I play something to it using aplaymidi or kmid.
So does this all mean that the Linux drivers for the Riviera don't support external MIDI, or is there just something I forgot to configure?