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Having trouble installing a piece of hardware? Want to know if that peripheral is compatible with Linux?


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Old 06-10-2006, 03:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
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External Hard Drive Enclosure to work with both Linux and Windows

I want to build a hard drive enclosure that will work with Linux and windows. That way I can save my files to the external hard drive and be able to use them on any linux and windows computer.

I have not found any that say linux compatible but some say max 8.6 or better.

Here is one I am thinking of buying and adding a HD.

Will it work on both systems? And will the drivers have a way a can format the hard drive so it will on both file systems?

I have a memorex micro drive that works on both and I need this to as well.

Old 06-10-2006, 04:00 PM   #2
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usb2 drive enclosures are a pretty generic breed... they will just run with the usb-storage module loaded. the format on the drive has nothing to do with the caddy... same rules apply as for internal drives.


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