Welcome to Linux.
/dev/ttyS0 (btw, in most cases Linux is
case sensitive -- note the different cases in what I just wrote) corresponds to what MS calls COM1. Is this where your modem actually is?
If so read the man page for
su to
root and setup
minicom according to the
manpage using
making sure the port is set to /dev/ttyS0.
You should then be able to start minicom as a normal user and manually talk to your modem. If you can't, something is seriously wrong. After
minicom starts, you should be able to enter "ATZ<cr>" and (perhaps after a couple seconds) it should say back "OK." <cr> is the
enter key.
A couple weeks ago I helped somebody else get his modem up and running on
this thread. It was a little different since he was using an internal modem, but if you cannot talk to the modem using
minicom it might be worthwhile for you to take a look at that thread anyway.
If you
can talk to the modem with
minicom but you still get the error you reported, it might be a permissions problem. I don't use Suse so I don't know what those permissions should be. But you can google and see what you can find out.
If you don't understand some of what I've just said, try using the
man pages (type "man" (w/o quotes) followed by the command you want info on.) and googling for the info. If that doesn't help you understand what I meant, post back.