es1371 gameport in Slackware with
Until now I haven't tried the gameport on my SB Vibra16 PCI (es1371 chip). I started playing Descent again and I'd like to use my Interact PC Powerpad Pro. I compiled my kernel,, with support for gameport builtin, joydev as module and analog as module.
Now when I boot the new kernel, with the gamepad connected, the modules are loaded but the /dev/input/js[0-3] are not created. I've tried using mknod to create them manually but it's still not detecting a joystick device.
I also have tried including a module for the pnp gameport driver (ns558) and it still did not detect the device. According to the help for the gameport driver es1371 does not require additional port drivers so I've taken ns558 back out and that's where I'm at right now.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.