Error while instalation: lost interrupt
I have an old PC with 233MHz Pentium MMX and 32MB
a CD-Rom and a Omega ZIp rive.
I tried to install Fedora and Vector Linux. Before starting installation it checks for all peripherals.
well when it comes to hdd which is omege zip drive it gives following error
hdd: task_no_data_intr: status=0X51 {DeviceReady Seek Complete Error}
hdd: taks_no_data_intr error=0X02 {Track Zero NotFound}
ide: Failed opcode was: 0Xd2
hdd<4> hdd lost interrupt
lost interrupt
From here installation doesnt goes ahead and keeps on saying "lost interrupt".
If i remove the Omega Zip drive then i am able to install.
Can any one make me understand what these error means.