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Old 06-23-2004, 11:26 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Epson Stylus Photo 830 quality in linux

Can anybody tell me why the functional quality of my Epson 830 is so much better in linux than in Windows, for example:
In Windows my Epson status manager tells me I have very little black ink and my two magenta colours are running low, and indeed when I print a test pattern in Windows I get lines across the dark and light magentas and the black, which you would imagine is either a blocked print head or lack of ink to print with.
However, in my nice Mandrake 10.0 Community setup (cracking OS, Mandrake 10) when I print things using CUPS everything seems to print at a better quality, better than even the best settings in windows, and when I use the Epson printer tool - Mtink - I see that infact I've got about 20% magenta and 18% light magenta, if that wasn't enough, when I print the test pattern I don't get any lines across is at all...

Is this just a case of a (less than) clever trick by Epson to make people think their ink is out so they get more revenue, and the Linux print system bypasses it or what?


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