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Old 02-27-2006, 08:20 AM   #1
The Jedi
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Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Greece
Distribution: Red Hat 9, SuSE 10
Posts: 14

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Epson Stylus Color 760 printer and Open Suse 10.0

I have a question for you people.
I have instaled Open Suse 10.0 without any problems.
It recognised everything ok.
The problem was the printer. I had it connected on the paralles port and it worked fine with Red Hat 9. Open Suse though recognised it but the machine refused to print. The testing printouts from yast did not work, neither any printing from Open Office. However when I restarted, the document prints normally.
I then connected the printer ito a USB port and everything works fine, even the yast test printouts!

Can someone explain this... thing? The printer worked perfect under Red Hat 9.

Old 05-15-2006, 07:35 AM   #2
Registered: May 2005
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Now Ubuntu 16.04
Posts: 154

Rep: Reputation: 15
I have been reading a few printing-related threads lately and I did see somebody mention something like 'I never had much luck with parallel printers...'.
Personally I have found that Suse or Linux can often lose its grip on the port: e.g. if I make some changes to printer configuration, if a print job fails to complete or I delete it, maybe if I kill and re-start cupsd, (actually, that can often mean that cups loses its grip on the port AND the printer list). Sometimes I then need to reboot (which I hate to do) or re-configure the printer with Yast.
I think the parallel printers system is just buggy. Never have similar problems with my USB printer.


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