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Old 04-14-2023, 01:04 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2023
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Embedded Linux: Processors and Platforms related questions from developers perspective

I know the potential of Embedded Linux. I am a VHDL designer and have seen people using Petalinux with Xilinx FPGA.

I always had some questions regarding Embedded Linux. But first, let me tell you what I know about it.

Yocto was made into Petalinux by Xilinx. It runs on Zynq(I don't know whether on APU or RPU). I know yocto also works on Beagle board hardware.

Now my questions are:

1) How many other types of Embedded Linux are there? Like yocto, petalinux, etc?

2) Which platforms( chips ) they can run on? Chip name, company name, etc.

3) How many of them are free, which means no license for use is needed?

4) Do Embedded Linux works on RPU, APU, or Microcontrollers?

5) Can I run Embedded Linux on softcore processors like NiosII, Zynq, Microblaze, etc? I am asking this because many FPGAs don't have any block processors on them.

Just share whatever knowledge you have. I want to learn it because maybe it's time to switch my professional field.
Old 04-18-2023, 07:56 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Hello, tahirsengine & welcome to LQ.

I'm one of the hardware guys about here. A kernel will boot on nearly all the arches mentioned in the arch/ directory, and I'm sure the FPGA manufacturers will have documentation on getting their chosen cpu type to boot on linux.

Volunteers here solve people's problems. You want us to contribute our effort to your design work. If you want more workers, tahirsengine, hire them. If you think we're good, advertise the position.


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