Dual Monitors in Suse 10.1
I have a viewsonic 19" lcd and a viewsonic 19" crt
Suse uses the LCD by default when i first install it, and there are no options for dual monitors
I then installed the latest nvidia drivers, which almost work, except now when i start up it uses the CRT and not the lcd...but in YAST it still says the LCD settings.
I now have a dual-head (not exact?) option, and when i use that, it only brings up the LCD
If i change the resolution on the main monitor options it brings up both displays, but not exactly how it should be...and usually crashes.
My main concern is which monitor it recognizes as the first one and the second one when i change the settings, because it uses the LCD settings for both, and i dont want to put the CRT settings on the LCD monitor...
If I made any sense, does anyone have a cure?