if i'm not mistaken,
download ati driver from
www.ati.com (ati-driver-xxxx.run)
as root, run
#sh ati-driver-xxxx.run --listpkg (you will get list of distro pkg name,yours probably SuSE/SLED10-IA32)
#sh ati-driver-xxxx.run --buildpkg SuSE/SLED10-IA32 (maybe others, depends your computer)
install generated rpm files
go to see the manual in /usr/share/docs/package/fglrx(if i'm not mistaken)
it will show you the final command. something like this
sax2 -b ... /usr/share/docs/package/fglrx/sax-template .. (exit X first.)
after this should be ok.