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Old 01-12-2003, 10:03 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
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Post Dlink 530TX+ network card help

Ok, I have redhat 8 and would like to install my DFE-530TX+ nework card, but I have no idea how to install the driver. I have the readme but can't figure out the "Insmod" command. can someone help?

Old 01-13-2003, 08:04 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
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Re: Dlink 530TX+ network card help

Originally posted by MNCRXSi
Ok, I have redhat 8 and would like to install my DFE-530TX+ nework card, but I have no idea how to install the driver. I have the readme but can't figure out the "Insmod" command. can someone help?



I've got a 530TX+ too.

I'm surprised Redhat didn't detect and setup your card automatically. On my system, it won't automatically find the network card if you have 'Plug & Play OS' set to YES in the BIOS. Setting it to NO allows all the hardware to be found.

Anyway, the kernel module you need for that card is 'via-rhine'. To load this module...

1. log in as root using 'su'

2. modprobe via-rhine (that will put the module into the kernel)

3. check out what's loaded by doing 'lsmod', which just lists all of the kernel modules that are currently in your kernel.

After that, your network card should be running! Still as root, try typing 'ifconfig', which lists all your network connection info.

Good luck dude!
Old 01-13-2003, 05:02 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
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SWEET! I just told my BIOS that I was running "OTHER" for an OS and it came up asking me what to do with a Dlink Eathernet card. Thankse JMD!!!! I am on Redhat now surfing the web, much faster than Win2K personally. Might just be me too. Thanks again guys.


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