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Old 08-08-2002, 07:03 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 7

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Question display problems with ATI - Radeon

Just installed RH 7.1. I have a triple boot with RH, ME and XP. No problems booting up in all three. But, when I boot RH I get as far as the login screen and my monitor shuts off.

I can see


for about a second and then my monitor power light is blinking green and shut off.

I have done some searching on newbie sights and they all seem to point to the X window manager or XFree86???????

Any Ideas of how to fix this?
Old 08-08-2002, 09:06 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
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Yeah, RedHat launches by default straight to X-windows. This is called runlevel 5. You're going to need to take it to runlevel 3 to fix it.

Using lilo or grub, choose to get a command prompt, with lilo its ctrl+x, and then type: Linux single.

This will drop you to a root shell, no graphics, very bare. Try:

pico /etc/inittab

and there should be a line in there like DefaultRunlevel or somesuch, change that from 5 to 3.

Reboot the machine and it won't try to launch X. Now to reconfigure X:

cd /usr/X11/bin/
./XFree86 -configure (and then follow the instructions)

If that doesn't work, you might want to try the manual configurator:


Then run "startx" to try and get x to start again.


Old 08-08-2002, 10:29 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 7

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Well, I'm sure your direction would have given me vision but, I couldn't even get that far.

I booted up in text mode and got an error when an automated diskscan ran. I couldn't get Linux to boot.

I formated the partition and reinstalled RH 7.1. All good!! Works lick a charm. All I have to do now is learn RH.



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