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Old 09-21-2004, 01:57 PM   #1
Apocalypse King
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 4

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Difficulty setting up BT Voyager 2000 Wireless on Slackware 10.0

Well, I'm a bit of a Linux newbie, I have recently installed Slackware 10.0 on my system, and set up a dual boot with Windows XP. Anyways, Everything seems fine, except I have no idea how to get my BT Voyager 2000 Wireless system running.

Basically what this is is a wireless reciever which plugs into the USB on my computer, and downstairs in the house there is the router, which is also my ASDL modem. Which means, until I get the wireless thing working, I cannot connect to the internet in Slackware.

I beleive that the wireless LAN runs on the same technology as the Atmel wireless devices on Sourceforge (I would post a link, but I don't have enough posts), and I found drivers for that, but I cannot get them to work. There is a HOWTO (again, not enough posts for a link), but it only discusses Red Hat 8.0, and I can't get it to work that way on Slackware. So, what I really need is.. where do I start.. some help in getting those Atmel drivers working in Slackware. It's probably something obvious to a lot of you guys, that I'm too much of a newbie to work out, so any help would be appreciated, thanks.


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