CPUBuilders IC56A PCI Modem
Linux Installation Guide
v2.2 062805
Obtaining Drivers for Fedora Core
The easiest installation is done with binary drivers. For popular distributions such as Fedora Core 3 and later, we recommend using the atrpms RPM repository. To do this in the most straightforward manner, follow these steps:
1. Visit fedorafaq.org and download their yum.conf.
2. You will need to be root to do the following steps.
3. Follow the fedorafaq.org instructions to install the yum.conf (replace your existing /etc/yum.conf).
4. Install the binary drivers with the command:
yum --enablerepo atrpms-testing install ltmodem
5. To activate the modem simply type the command:
modprobe lt_serial
6. To activate the modem on boot, add the command above to the botom of the /etc/rc.local file
The device entry for the modem will be /dev/ttLTM0.
To use the modem, go to Main Menu -> System Settings -> Network and click New, select Modem Connection and enter "/dev/ttLTM0" as the modem device. Note: You may receive a message that no modem is found. To correct this, simply enter the device entry (/dev/ttLTM0) correctly.
To easily access your modem after it is configured, right click the panel and select Add to panel..., click on modem lights and click Add. To activate the lights, set the lock file under Preferences to the device entry (/var/lock/LCK..ttLTM0).
The problem with 1
# Note: This file is no longer the entire yum configuration
# for fedorafaq.org. See
# for details on how to set up your system with the new
# yum configuration.
# We don't want to gpg-check local, unsigned packages
# Changed this because some mirrors go down and then
# re-trying takes forever.
# PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo
# in /etc/yum.repos.d
So you get the new (wrong) one.
No problem with 2 (I am the root.)
No problem with 3 (installing the wrong yum.)
The problem with 4
When you type; yum --enablerepo atrpms-testing install ltmodem
The computer responds with;
Error getting repository data for atrpms-testing, repository not found
The problem with 5
When you type; modprobe lt_serial
The computer responds with;
bash: modprobe: command not found
Aside from the fact that the modem is needed to be able to get on the internet and download the software needed to get the modem on the internet to download the software, to say nothing of having to get the wrong software (that doesn’t work) the instructions do seem simple enough.
Here’s the reply from the manufacturers technical support team;
Hello ,
Thank you for contacting Stratitec's Customer Solution Center.
The downloading of the drivers from the Web will have to be done on a computer that DOES have Internet access and then transfered over to the one that needs the Drivers.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please respond to this email or contact us at 888.336.4418, option 1.
Best Regards,
Customer Solution Center
Stratitec, Inc.
The instructions never said anything about needing another computer with internet access to get the drivers. I’m glad Brad was able to clear that up for me.
Your right about that being the correct web site for the installation instructions though.
Thanks for getting back to me.