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Old 09-27-2015, 11:49 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2013
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Dell PowerEdge 1950 and pwmconfig

I recently got a Dell PowerEdge 1950 server and installed Debian Jessie. I've been messing with it for a few days, and I've noticed that the processor seems to be a little too warm:
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:       +61.0C  (high = +88.0C, crit = +100.0C)
Core 1:       +61.0C  (high = +88.0C, crit = +100.0C)
Core 2:       +63.0C  (high = +88.0C, crit = +100.0C)
Core 3:       +60.0C  (high = +88.0C, crit = +100.0C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Ch. 0 DIMM 0:  +54.0C  (low  = +105.0C, high = +124.0C)
Ch. 1 DIMM 0:  +55.0C  (low  = +105.0C, high = +124.0C)
Ch. 2 DIMM 0:  +49.5C  (low  = +105.0C, high = +124.0C)
Ch. 3 DIMM 0:  +52.0C  (low  = +105.0C, high = +124.0C)
I can hear that the fans haven't sped up at all (they're nowhere near their max volume/speed). I've tried installing the fancontrol package and running pwmconfig, but it just gives me this:
root@poweredge1950:~# pwmconfig 
# pwmconfig revision 6166 (2013-05-01)
This program will search your sensors for pulse width modulation (pwm)
controls, and test each one to see if it controls a fan on
your motherboard. Note that many motherboards do not have pwm
circuitry installed, even if your sensor chip supports pwm.

We will attempt to briefly stop each fan using the pwm controls.
The program will attempt to restore each fan to full speed
after testing. However, it is ** very important ** that you
physically verify that the fans have been to full speed
after the program has completed.

/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed
I've ran sensors-detect, and it only found two modules, coretemp and i5k_amb.

After some Googling, I came across this thread ( which, while not talking about Dell, mentioned IPMI. So I installed freeipmi-tools, and tried ipmi-sensors, which gave me this:
root@poweredge1950:~# ipmi-sensors
ID  | Name             | Type                     | Reading    | Units | Event
1   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
2   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
3   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
4   | Temp             | Temperature              | N/A        | C     | N/A
5   | Ambient Temp     | Temperature              | 23.00      | C     | 'OK'
6   | CMOS Battery     | Battery                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'
7   | ROMB Battery     | Battery                  | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
8   | VCORE            | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
9   | VCORE            | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
10  | CPU VTT          | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
11  | 1.5V PG          | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
12  | 1.8V PG          | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
13  | 3.3V PG          | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
14  | 5V PG            | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
15  | 1.5V PXH PG      | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
16  | 5V Riser PG      | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
17  | Backplane PG     | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
18  | Linear PG        | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
19  | 0.9V PG          | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
20  | 0.9V Over Volt   | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
21  | CPU Power Fault  | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | 'State Deasserted'
22  | FAN MOD 1A RPM   | Fan                      | 5925.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
23  | FAN MOD 1B RPM   | Fan                      | 5850.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
24  | FAN MOD 1C RPM   | Fan                      | 3750.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
25  | FAN MOD 1D RPM   | Fan                      | 3750.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
26  | FAN MOD 2A RPM   | Fan                      | 5850.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
27  | FAN MOD 2B RPM   | Fan                      | 5775.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
28  | FAN MOD 2C RPM   | Fan                      | 3600.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
29  | FAN MOD 2D RPM   | Fan                      | 3825.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
30  | FAN MOD 3A RPM   | Fan                      | 6150.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
31  | FAN MOD 3B RPM   | Fan                      | 5850.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
32  | FAN MOD 3C RPM   | Fan                      | 3675.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
33  | FAN MOD 3D RPM   | Fan                      | 3750.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
34  | FAN MOD 4A RPM   | Fan                      | 6000.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
35  | FAN MOD 4B RPM   | Fan                      | 5700.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
36  | FAN MOD 4C RPM   | Fan                      | 3600.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
37  | FAN MOD 4D RPM   | Fan                      | 3600.00    | RPM   | 'OK'
38  | Presence         | Entity Presence          | N/A        | N/A   | 'Entity Present'
39  | Presence         | Entity Presence          | N/A        | N/A   | 'Entity Absent'
40  | Presence         | Entity Presence          | N/A        | N/A   | 'Entity Present'
41  | Presence         | Entity Presence          | N/A        | N/A   | 'Entity Present'
42  | Presence         | Entity Presence          | N/A        | N/A   | 'Entity Present'
43  | Presence         | Entity Presence          | N/A        | N/A   | 'Entity Present'
44  | DRAC5 Conn 2 Cbl | Cable/Interconnect       | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
45  | PFault Fail Safe | Voltage                  | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
46  | Status           | Processor                | N/A        | N/A   | 'Processor Presence detected'
47  | Status           | Processor                | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'
48  | Status           | Power Supply             | N/A        | N/A   | 'Presence detected'
49  | Status           | Power Supply             | N/A        | N/A   | 'Presence detected'
50  | Status           | Cable/Interconnect       | N/A        | N/A   | 'Cable/Interconnect is connected'
51  | RAC Status       | Module/Board             | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'
52  | OS Watchdog      | Watchdog 2               | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'
53  | SEL              | Event Logging Disabled   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
54  | Intrusion        | Physical Security        | N/A        | N/A   | 'OK'
55  | PS Redundancy    | Power Supply             | N/A        | N/A   | 'Fully Redundant'
56  | Fan Redundancy   | Fan                      | N/A        | N/A   | 'Fully Redundant'
57  | CPU Temp Interf  | Temperature              | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
58  | Drive            | Drive Slot               | N/A        | N/A   | 'Drive Presence'
59  | Cable SAS A      | Cable/Interconnect       | N/A        | N/A   | 'Cable/Interconnect is connected'
60  | Current 1        | Current                  | N/A        | A     | N/A
61  | Current 2        | Current                  | N/A        | A     | N/A
62  | Voltage 1        | Voltage                  | N/A        | V     | N/A
63  | Voltage 2        | Voltage                  | N/A        | V     | N/A
64  | System Level     | Current                  | N/A        | W     | N/A
65  | Power Optimized  | OEM Reserved             | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
79  | ECC Corr Err     | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
80  | ECC Uncorr Err   | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
81  | I/O Channel Chk  | Critical Interrupt       | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
82  | PCI Parity Err   | Critical Interrupt       | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
83  | PCI System Err   | Critical Interrupt       | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
84  | SBE Log Disabled | Event Logging Disabled   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
85  | Logging Disabled | Event Logging Disabled   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
86  | Unknown          | System Event             | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
87  | CPU Protocol Err | Processor                | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
88  | CPU Bus PERR     | Processor                | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
89  | CPU Init Err     | Processor                | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
90  | CPU Machine Chk  | Processor                | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
91  | Memory Spared    | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
92  | Memory Mirrored  | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
93  | Memory RAID      | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
94  | Memory Added     | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
95  | Memory Removed   | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
96  | Memory Cfg Err   | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
97  | Mem Redun Gain   | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
98  | PCIE Fatal Err   | Critical Interrupt       | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
99  | Chipset Err      | Critical Interrupt       | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
100 | Err Reg Pointer  | OEM Reserved             | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
101 | Mem ECC Warning  | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
102 | Mem CRC Err      | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
103 | USB Over-current | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
104 | POST Err         | System Firmware Progress | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
105 | Hdwr version err | Version Change           | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
106 | Mem Overtemp     | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
107 | Mem Fatal SB CRC | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
108 | Mem Fatal NB CRC | Memory                   | N/A        | N/A   | N/A
Unfortunately, that same thread indicated that IPMI is read-only; I can't use it to set the fan speed. Is that right?

Someone in that thread mentioned that the BIOS is what controls the fans on Dell servers. But when I looked around the BIOS on mine, I didn't see anything related to fans.

Is there anything else that I should be trying?

Last edited by maples; 09-27-2015 at 12:10 PM.
Old 09-29-2015, 12:15 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by maples View Post
Is there anything else that I should be trying?

While it depends on your specific hardware, you can try installing the "lm-sensors" and "fancontrol" packages, if Debian has them, as mentioned here. You can also check out my Google search on the subject here.

EDIT: There is also this program, although I don't know how well it works.


Last edited by ardvark71; 09-29-2015 at 12:18 AM. Reason: Added information.
Old 09-29-2015, 07:44 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2013
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Originally Posted by ardvark71 View Post

While it depends on your specific hardware, you can try installing the "lm-sensors" and "fancontrol" packages, if Debian has them, as mentioned here. You can also check out my Google search on the subject here.

EDIT: There is also this program, although I don't know how well it works.

Thanks for the reply!

I have already installed the fancontrol and lm-sensors packages. I have not heard of fanon before. Is that packaged for Debian, or will I need to compile from source? I'm not seeing it in the repos, but I've been wrong before.


Last edited by maples; 09-29-2015 at 07:47 AM.
Old 09-29-2015, 07:11 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by maples View Post
I have not heard of fanon before. Is that packaged for Debian, or will I need to compile from source? I'm not seeing it in the repos, but I've been wrong before.

You can look in Debian's repositories but most likely you will need to compile it.

However, the problem here is whether your motherboard will support a "pwm-capable sensor" to begin with, at least using your current operating system. Please look here to see an example of what I mean.

If you would, please open a terminal and post the entire results of...

sudo sensors-detect
It should look like something like this.

Old 09-29-2015, 11:16 PM   #5
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I'm starting to think that I lack the pwm-capable sensor for the fans...
root@poweredge1950:~# sensors-detect 
# sensors-detect revision 6209 (2014-01-14 22:51:58 +0100)
# System: Dell Inc. PowerEdge 1950
# Board: Dell Inc. 0M788G

This program will help you determine which kernel modules you need
to load to use lm_sensors most effectively. It is generally safe
and recommended to accept the default answers to all questions,
unless you know what you're doing.

Some south bridges, CPUs or memory controllers contain embedded sensors.
Do you want to scan for them? This is totally safe. (YES/no): 
Module cpuid loaded successfully.
Silicon Integrated Systems SIS5595...                       No
VIA VT82C686 Integrated Sensors...                          No
VIA VT8231 Integrated Sensors...                            No
AMD K8 thermal sensors...                                   No
AMD Family 10h thermal sensors...                           No
AMD Family 11h thermal sensors...                           No
AMD Family 12h and 14h thermal sensors...                   No
AMD Family 15h thermal sensors...                           No
AMD Family 15h power sensors...                             No
AMD Family 16h power sensors...                             No
Intel digital thermal sensor...                             Success!
    (driver `coretemp')
Intel AMB FB-DIMM thermal sensor...                         Success!
    (driver `i5k_amb')
VIA C7 thermal sensor...                                    No
VIA Nano thermal sensor...                                  No

Some Super I/O chips contain embedded sensors. We have to write to
standard I/O ports to probe them. This is usually safe.
Do you want to scan for Super I/O sensors? (YES/no): 
Probing for Super-I/O at 0x2e/0x2f
Trying family `National Semiconductor/ITE'...               No
Trying family `SMSC'...                                     Yes
Found `SMSC EMC2700LPC Super IO'                            
    (no information available)
Probing for Super-I/O at 0x4e/0x4f
Trying family `National Semiconductor/ITE'...               No
Trying family `SMSC'...                                     No
Trying family `VIA/Winbond/Nuvoton/Fintek'...               No
Trying family `ITE'...                                      No

Some systems (mainly servers) implement IPMI, a set of common interfaces
through which system health data may be retrieved, amongst other things.
We first try to get the information from SMBIOS. If we don't find it
there, we have to read from arbitrary I/O ports to probe for such
interfaces. This is normally safe. Do you want to scan for IPMI
interfaces? (YES/no): 
Found `IPMI BMC KCS' at 0xca8...                            Success!
    (confidence 8, driver `to-be-written')

Some hardware monitoring chips are accessible through the ISA I/O ports.
We have to write to arbitrary I/O ports to probe them. This is usually
safe though. Yes, you do have ISA I/O ports even if you do not have any
ISA slots! Do you want to scan the ISA I/O ports? (YES/no): 
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78' at 0x290...       No
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM79' at 0x290...       No
Probing for `Winbond W83781D' at 0x290...                   No
Probing for `Winbond W83782D' at 0x290...                   No

Lastly, we can probe the I2C/SMBus adapters for connected hardware
monitoring devices. This is the most risky part, and while it works
reasonably well on most systems, it has been reported to cause trouble
on some systems.
Do you want to probe the I2C/SMBus adapters now? (YES/no): 
Sorry, no supported PCI bus adapters found.
Module i2c-dev loaded successfully.

Next adapter: Radeon i2c bit bus DVI_DDC (i2c-0)
Do you want to scan it? (yes/NO/selectively): yes

Next adapter: Radeon i2c bit bus VGA_DDC (i2c-1)
Do you want to scan it? (yes/NO/selectively): yes

Next adapter: Radeon i2c bit bus MONID (i2c-2)
Do you want to scan it? (yes/NO/selectively): yes

Next adapter: Radeon i2c bit bus CRT2_DDC (i2c-3)
Do you want to scan it? (yes/NO/selectively): yes

Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done.
Just press ENTER to continue: 

Driver `i5k_amb':
  * Chip `Intel AMB FB-DIMM thermal sensor' (confidence: 9)

Driver `coretemp':
  * Chip `Intel digital thermal sensor' (confidence: 9)

Driver `to-be-written':
  * ISA bus, address 0xca8
    Chip `IPMI BMC KCS' (confidence: 8)

Note: there is no driver for IPMI BMC KCS yet.
Check for updates.

To load everything that is needed, add this to /etc/modules:
#----cut here----
# Chip drivers
#----cut here----
If you have some drivers built into your kernel, the list above will
contain too many modules. Skip the appropriate ones!

Do you want to add these lines automatically to /etc/modules? (yes/NO)no

Unloading i2c-dev... OK
Unloading cpuid... OK

I've already added those modules to /etc/modules.

I haven't had a chance to check out fanmon yet.

Something interesting to note.... I had to open it up to install a WiFi card. While I had it open (off and unpluggged, of course) I felt the CPU heat sink and the RAM. While the RAM felt warm, the CPU heat sink was almost cool to the touch, nothing like I'd expect, especially since sensors reports that the CPU is hotter than the RAM... I'm starting to wonder if sensors is simply reporting an inaccurate temperature?

Old 09-29-2015, 11:44 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by maples View Post
I'm starting to think that I lack the pwm-capable sensor for the fans...

Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done.
Just press ENTER to continue:

Driver `i5k_amb':
* Chip `Intel AMB FB-DIMM thermal sensor' (confidence: 9)

Driver `coretemp':
* Chip `Intel digital thermal sensor' (confidence: 9)

Driver `to-be-written':
* ISA bus, address 0xca8
Chip `IPMI BMC KCS' (confidence: 8)

Note: there is no driver for IPMI BMC KCS yet.
Check for updates.
That would be my guess, too, although I don't know if the correct driver for "IPMI BMC KCS" would resolve this. I kind of doubt it, honestly. You could try a newer distribution of Linux to find out.

Originally Posted by maples View Post
I'm starting to wonder if sensors is simply reporting an inaccurate temperature?
It's certainly a possibility, especially if the heatsink is almost cool to the touch!



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