I am very green and admit that right off the bat... I come from a tech background and was convinced by a friend to load Slackware 10.1 on my Dell Latitude C600 laptop. So far I am very happy and constantly surprised by the OS. I have a couple of problems however. This posting is regarding the sound problem.
I get this error at start up of X (See Below)
Sound server informational message:
Error while initializing the sound driver:
device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such device)
The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
I have no sound available on the machine at this point.
Ok, that said, I would ask this small request... As I said I am "green" so I don't know the commands in linux at all, I am still just learning to navigate in term, although I am learning fast I still have issues with use so please please please be as descriptive as possible. At the point even the redundent is needed.
I would also like to thank anyone that replies to this thread for their time, as I said I am a tech so I know you are giving of your time to reply. Rest assured I will pay it forward when I learn more here and already do in the (dare I say) windows world......
GOAL -- To become WindowsLess!!!! on my private machines........ I am tired of Windows even though all of the problems with Windows employs me as a tech, I am sick of it for personal use and am exstatic about moving to Linux as my main source of computing. I already support Linux in any way I can... I know that Slackware is free but after I downloaded it I purchased the CD's just to support "the cause"
Again, thank you for your time... Now I must go create a posting for my Cisco 350 wireless adapter.
Bye for now