Curly Modem Problem
I have a curly question on modems.
Picture this:
I have a wee network at home, with Linux Red Hat 8 as a server and 2 windows 98 clients. Linux has IP Masq for use with a external modem. All is running pretty good.
I have only one phone line. If I want to make a voice call quickly, I normally just flick the switch on the modem and dial out. After call, I just power up the modem - no probs - but this was with Win98 ICS.
In Linux, if you do this, PPP gets in knickers in a knot. It obviously has to do with the abrupt death of the modem on /dev/ttyS0.
I am thinking along the lines of a script checking for the modem on regular intervals, but I lack the skills to write one.
Is there some setting / script I can modify to make the PPP sort itself out without too much fuss? I know this is by no means "normal" operation, but I was able to do it in Win98. Cannot afford seperate phone line for internet connection.