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Old 05-05-2006, 01:52 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 105

Rep: Reputation: 26
Cups stopped printing with Epson D68

I found that CUPS in Ubuntu 5.10 didn't have a driver for my Epson D68, so I installed Gutenprint 5 from source, set up a new printer with the appropriate PPD file from Gutenprint, et voila - the device was printing happily.
After a restart or two, however, the printer stopped working. The queue shows the job as "printing" but nothing happens. I switched on the debug mode and had a look at /var/log/cups/error_log. After some initialisation stuff that looks normal to me, cups keeps printing the same 8 lines over and over to the log file:

D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->page = 1
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->ppd = 0x89ec318
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->ppd->flip_duplex = 0
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] width = 5940, height = 3960
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] HWMargins = [ 9.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -90.000 3960.000 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->page = 1
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->ppd = 0x89ec318
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->ppd->flip_duplex = 0
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] width = 5940, height = 3960
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] HWMargins = [ 9.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -90.000 3960.000 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->page = 1
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->ppd = 0x89ec318
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] cups->ppd->flip_duplex = 0
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] width = 5940, height = 3960
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] HWMargins = [ 9.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 ]
D [05/May/2006:19:19:24 +0200] [Job 14] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -90.000 3960.000 ]
I somehow doubt that this is normal... There are no error messages, though. Anybody got a clue what might be wrong?

Old 05-08-2006, 09:04 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 105

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 26
I can post more of the log file and/or additional information, if necessary!


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