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Old 06-16-2004, 06:55 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: South Australia (ex-Devon, UK)
Distribution: SuSE, Slackware, Fedora, Debian, Knoppix
Posts: 141

Rep: Reputation: 15
CUPS Parallel Port Busy Problem

Hi All

I have a "mysterious" problem with CUPS. I never used to see this problem on SuSE 8.x, but with both SuSE 9.0 and SuSE9.1 (on the same machine) I get it all the time. My CUPS is installed from the "official" SuSE rpm.

I have a Kyocera laser printer attached to my machine with a parallel connection.

If my wife prints to it over the network from her Windoze machine, no problems.

However, if I print to it from my local machine, it will print all or some of the job and then come up with "Parallel port busy; retrying in 30 seconds". This situation lasts until I restart cupsd. I don't do all that much printing but have observed this from both Mozilla and Acroread.

I have used the error message in Google searches and find plenty of people complaining about this. However, I have yet to see a solution! (Plenty of "have you checked the parallel cable.) I may have missed it in one of the German posts as my German isn't all that good...

References to this problem go back as far as 2002, so I think that it must span versions of CUPS.

Machine is AMD XP2200 on Gigabyte board with 1Gb RAM.

In a word: help!



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