Please see
Debian and LSB and
Debian dropping the Linux Standard Base, particularly this part:
The only remaining wrinkle, it seems, is that there are some printer-driver packages that expect some measure of LSB compliance. Raboud had noted in his first message that OpenPrinting drivers were the only example of LSB-compliant packages he had seen actually distributed. Michael Biebl noted that there was one such driver package in the main archive; Raboud replied that he believed the package in question ought to be moved to the non-free repository anyway, since it contained a binary driver.
If I were you, I'd try to build an empty, dummy lsb package with
equivs-build in order to satisfy the Epson driver requirement. This is essentially what Ubuntu currently does. I wouldn't recommend taking Ubuntu
lsb package verbatim though as it may depend on Ubuntu-specific things.
There are other options, of course, but they're more cumbersome. Like downloading the src.rpm for the driver from the Epson website, removing the LSB requirement from the spec, building the RPM package, then converting it to DEB with
alien. The latter is how Epson built their DEB packages.