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Old 12-06-2021, 02:33 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2006
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connected printer install, Hplip?

Hp Office Jet 4650 UbuntuMate 20.04 Did not install correctly. If I send a job to the Server it will print one page. If I 'add' the printer I get the error that the printer is disconnected, but it is obviously connected (by USB) if the server can find it and communicate with it. The same computer, and printer were working fine with UbuntuMate 18.04.

I've been struggling with this for several days. I tried to delete and renew the HPlip,so I may have messed up something else, but the problem is stil the same.

Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
Old 12-06-2021, 08:55 PM   #2
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Please provide more detail.

What steps are you using to connect to the computer via HPLIP and what error messages, if any, have you received?
Old 12-07-2021, 12:42 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2006
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I have just re-installed HPLIP The version recommended for Ubuntu 20.04, and using the included installer, with no error messages. But the results are still the same. The error I get when I send a 'job' to the printer is that the job is held up, and usually the error mentions that the computer is 'not connected'. But it is connected by USB. In configuring the printer a request is made for a URI or URL. I have left that blank as I have always done with earlier versions of Ubuntu. Might that be the problem? If so What might be an appropriate URI?
Old 12-09-2021, 09:04 AM   #4
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Maybe this can be useful for you.

I too have an all-in-one printer that didn't want to collaborate in its installation. CUPS recognized it without problems but it didn't work well. HPLIP needs some requirements to be met.

You have to run hp-check to see if all «REQUIRED» or «OPTIONAL» dependencies are present. If they are not, you must install the packages that contain them.

Each time you run hp-check a hp-check.log file is generated in /home/[user] so you can check if everything is correct. The data you need will be from line 149 or so.

And for the scanner to work you may need to create some symbolic links like the ones described below (the rest of the thread is just as useful):

You may also need to install some driver for the printer. I would use the hp-setup -g command for this. You will also have a file (hp-setup.log) in /home/[user] with some useful information.
Old 12-11-2021, 12:45 PM   #5
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With hplip the scanner in the printer also requires installing the HP plugin that manages the scanner.

The initial setup of the printer with hplip should give you the opportunity to install the plugin. If you did not install the plugin during the initial setup you can install the plugin later using 'hp-plugin'.

When I have had issues in getting an HP printer properly configured the fallback I have used is to go into the desktop control center and remove all currently configured entries for the printer there (including removing the print queues for them). Then I use hp-setup from the command line (or the gui) to redo the setup and it almost always works first try.


hplip officejet 4650

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