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Old 06-07-2005, 12:39 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Compile from source + Linksys WPC11v4 wireless card

So I'm trying to get my wireless card installed on my machine. I found a great Step By Step for this particular card located here by searching.

However, the files in question are longer available, and you have to compile by source.
I followed the "Complie from Source How To" by Jeremy, but was still having some problems.

Here is what I tried.
[CODE][root@192 buda]# ls
Desktop/ index.shtml rtl8180_1.5_release26/ tmp/
firefox-installer/ Photos/ xorg.conf
[root@192 buda]# cd rtl8180_1.5_release26
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# ./configure
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# make
make -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/home/buda/rtl8180_1.5_release26 MODVERDIR=/home/buda/rtl8180_1.5_release26 modules
make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [modules] Error 2
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# make test
make: *** No rule to make target `test'. Stop.
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# ls
8180_26_private.ko r8180_pci_init.c readme26.txt wlanup*
Makefile r8180_pci_init.h rls_note_1220
r8180_if.h r8180_type.h wlandown*
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# wlanup
bash: wlanup: command not found

Here is the contents of the readme file. Not much help if you ask me.

RTL8180 Linux Driver version 1.5

for linux 2.6 kernel 2.6.5
on Fedora core 2.0

< Component >
The driver is composed of several parts:
(1)source code
driver module initialization and interface between rtl8180 driver and system call.
r8180_pci_init.c driver module initialization and register/unregister network device

(2)object code
rtl8180 driver
8180_26_private.ko rtl8180 driver kernel object code

(3)open source driver
open8180.ko open source driver kernel object code


simple script file to activate/shut_down wireless lan.
< Notes >
in wlanup, please remember the insmod sequence.
first 8180_26_private.ko, then open8180.ko
when make open8180.ko, there may be some compiler-warning for undefined symbol.
those symbols lie in 8180_26_private.ko, so kernel will take care of them.
Old 06-07-2005, 11:13 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Well, the read me you posted had nothing (or very few) to do with command you posted... I dont really understand how you assumed these command out of it.

About your compile, there is a bunch of errors :
[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# ./configure
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
well... you don't have a "configure" script? Should you have one? If so, then don't try to go ahead, it will most likely not work! However, some source doN't come with "configure" script, you have tp type "make" only... is there a README file or a INSTALL that came with this source? If so, what does it mean?

[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# make
make -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/home/buda/rtl8180_1.5_release26 MODVERDIR=/home/buda/rtl8180_1.5_release26 modules
make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [modules] Error 2
This one is a little stranger. Look like the make is looking for a directory that doesn't exist. Maybe your zip file of the source was corrupt at first? Or was it suppose to be created by the configure script? Is it important?

Now, assuming EVERYTHING failed so far, you shouldn't try next commands!
However, there is something interesting below :

[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# ls
8180_26_private.ko r8180_pci_init.c readme26.txt wlanup*
Makefile r8180_pci_init.h rls_note_1220
r8180_if.h r8180_type.h wlandown*
As you see there, you have a ".ko" file and an executable file named "wlanup". Was these files already there when you unzipped the source? If not, this is strange, it somehow mean the compilation worked... have you skipped some lines in your paste, maybe? The .ko is the module (let's call it "drivers") and the wlanup is probably a shell script to up the card.

[root@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]# wlanup
Of course the "make install" command failed so you this script isn't "installed" on your system... but strangely, you have it in the actual directory... You might want to try ./wlanup (mean something like "execute the wlanup here in that directory") but since your drivers is probably not installed either, don't expect much.
Old 06-08-2005, 04:06 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for taking the time to go through everything for me.

I am a linux n00b, and wasn't sure if the "./configure" was a default command line execution for configuring a C compiler.

The zip file shouldn't have been corrupt. I downloaded it from the offical website. It could only have been corrupted during the acutal unpackaging process.
All files in the directory were present after unzipping, including the .ko and wlanup and wlandown files. It said that the files couldn't be found in
make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory. Stop.
However the install readme file never mentiones anything about creating those directories prior to install.

I will try downloading it again, but in the meantime, I tried the ./wlanup as expected it didn't work. My question is, previously all you had to do was d/l a file called NET8180.INF, run ndiswrapper, and everything was good to go. Does anyone have that file?

i was following the instructions found here Step-by-Step ( but was led astray when the files that were supposed to be available were no longer available. Thus leading me to this compilation mess.

Again here is the results.
[buda@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]$ ls
8180_26_private.ko  r8180_pci_init.c  readme26.txt   wlanup*
Makefile            r8180_pci_init.h  rls_note_1220
r8180_if.h          r8180_type.h      wlandown*
[buda@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]$ ./wlanup
insmod: error inserting '8180_26_private.ko': -1 Operation not permitted
insmod: can't read 'open8180.ko': No such file or directory
ERROR: Module open8180 does not exist in /proc/modules
ERROR: Module 8180_26_private does not exist in /proc/modules
Usage: ./wlanup {ap | infra | adhoc}
[buda@192 rtl8180_1.5_release26]$

Last edited by crnchyfrog; 06-08-2005 at 04:09 AM.
Old 06-08-2005, 07:40 AM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Montreal, Canada
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NET8180.INF is probably included in the Windoze driver of this card. Ndiswrapper is a tool to run windoze driver in linux.
Right now, what your a trying to do is( I think) to install the native linux drivers... Your error about the missing directory is kid of odd, it is like the drivers was badly made :/
Old 06-08-2005, 08:33 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2005
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I used ndiswrapper

I used ndiswrapper in Yoper with a Netgear MA401 card.

Relatively easy. As root.

Take the windoze OEMSETUP.inf file and copy to your hard drive (doesn't matter where & I changed the name to ma401.inf)
ndiswrapper -i (/directory/*.inf)
ndiswrapper -m
modprobe ndiswrapper

Try these first. If it works, put in in the /etc/init.d/local script

ifconfig eth1 (my PC card uses eth1 on Yoper instead of wlan0)
iwconfig eth1 mode managed
iwconfig eth1 enc XXXXXXXXXXX
dhcpcd eth1

Ran kwifimanager, got the signal and voila!
Old 06-09-2005, 03:48 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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I'm so close I can feel it...but yet so far.

I downloaded the windows drivers and found the net8180.inf file. I then unsed ndiswrapper to install it. It installed fine and detected my hardware.

[root@192 buda]# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
lsbcmnds        hardware NOT present
lsipnds hardware NOT present
net8180 hardware present
wmp11nds        hardware NOT present
I also followed these instructions:
This should open Kwrite with "root" access. In the Kwrite Screen Type The following Values:


That's it. Now do as "Save As" to save this file in the following Location: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Name the file as: ifcfg-wlan0
When I go to the control center and look under hardware -> Ethercard
This is the information that it provides:
Vendor: Realtek Semiconductor
Description: RTL8180 Realtek TRL8180 Wireless LAN (mini-pci) NIC
Media Class: Network_ethernet
Bus: PCI
Bus pci: 3
Pci Device: 0
Pci function: 0
Vendor ID: 4332
Device ID: 33152
Subvendor ID: 5943
Sub Device ID: 25

The problem that I am having now, is when I run config tool -> wireless connection --> manually load a driver --> the driver that i want is not listed, and it gives no choice to load one that is not on the list. The same occurs when you got to new network connection.

Is there another way to bypass this step to configure a new wireless connection?

Thanks for your help so far!

Last edited by crnchyfrog; 06-09-2005 at 03:50 AM.
Old 06-09-2005, 03:31 PM   #7
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Distribution: ubuntu
Posts: 68

Rep: Reputation: 15
Sorry, I never got that far. I generally use the laptop on one router. Haven't had a chance to play with it yet.


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