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Old 07-19-2006, 03:19 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Tampere, Finland
Distribution: openSuSE 10.2
Posts: 47

Rep: Reputation: 15
Colorlaser printing problem on every linux

I have a little problem. When I print on my Linux machines to Kyocera FS-C5020N printer, jobs are printing nice, but every time when I start a printing job, one stupid page is printed.

That page is allmost blank, but there is one line of text. Text is:
RGBL0,0;RGBL1,0;RGBL2,0;HUE0,0 and so on.

That page comes out with SuSE 8.x - 10.0 and Ubuntu 6.06. SuSE 10.1 prints fine.

Is there any "idiot-safe" solutions? Or something solution, I'm ready to test allmost everything. I have test machines for that.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:07 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: CentOS, OS X
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Your topic was a bit mis-leading (the every part). Nevertheless, does SuSE 10.1 use a different driver for your printer than those others do (different version or something?), or perhaps different settings? Have you tried getting a driver from the manufacturer (if it provides such thing) and use that with your printing system (such as cups), instead of the original driver (unless they aren't the same)?

I'm pretty sure it's either a configuration thing or the driver. Yet I am not a printer-guru (I only have one inkjet myself, no lasers..), but I wish you luck Oh, and does it matter if you use some other program to print the file? On Windows some programs tend to print weird pages (like that of yours), and some programs don't..I have no clue why.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:19 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Tampere, Finland
Distribution: openSuSE 10.2
Posts: 47

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Driver is same .ppd file from Kyocera web-page. That make things odd.

It print same way from every location or program.

And what comes to SuSE 10.1. I don't like it. Not even I'm SuSE fanatic person.


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