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Old 10-04-2008, 04:00 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2006
Distribution: Debian 6.0.4
Posts: 9

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Color registration bars on output: Lexmark C510 Color Laser printer


I have a Lexmark C510NE Color Laser printer with new
color cartridges at 100%, fuser and developer at 90%
running on a Mandriva 2008 box.

Up until a few weeks ago, I have had no problems with
the printer since Dec '05. Then color bar registration
marks began to show up on the output copy on the
left-hand side of an 8.5 x11 sheet:

From the top of the sheet, from left edge:

1.8cm (0.4cm from top)
2.2cm (8.0 cm from top)
2.8 cm (flush with bottom edge)

Another group: 9.4 cm from left edge, and three more:
(flush, 0.7, 1.3cm from bottom edge)
Last one: 10.8 cm from left edge, flush to bottom

These markings started showing up in the last few print

What would cause these marks to appear so suddenly,
given that all the printer's components are OK (toner,
fuser, developer)? Would there be any setting that
needs to be adjusted for them not to show up?

As it is now, I cannot use the printer in production -
half the page is useless.

Anyone have any ideas or have experienced something
similar with a color printer?

Old 10-06-2008, 02:37 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2007
Location: Folsom, California
Distribution: Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Suse
Posts: 307

Rep: Reputation: 32
Some sort of driver problem?
If it looks like something that isn't an 'accident' (ie: perfect circles, crosses, red/green/blue bars, etc) then I suggest looking into the software settings for whatever program you are using to print. Or look into CUPS if you're using that.
Old 10-06-2008, 01:46 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2006
Distribution: Debian 6.0.4
Posts: 9

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Originally Posted by checkmate3001 View Post
Some sort of driver problem?
If it looks like something that isn't an 'accident' (ie: perfect circles, crosses, red/green/blue bars, etc) then I suggest looking into the software settings for whatever program you are using to print. Or look into CUPS if you're using that.
Thanks for the reply.

Shortly after you posted your reply, Lexmark Technical Support called. They said that "the horizontal multicolored marks at the edge of a printed page are usually caused by a defective or worn photodeveloper cartridge."

I'm really impressed with their service support -- a new cartridge is on its way! Talk about great service!

Usually, when it comes to printers I have found that the manufacturers do not really help much. Lexmark sure is different! - I'll buy another one for sure!

Thanks again for your reply!



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