Originally Posted by elperrillo
I hate to crash a really and old thread but this one keeps coming up every time I search for "cloning a hard drive to a smaller drive",
... I hate to too, but, this came up in a Google search for me, too, and I think I managed to still improve on the procedure, and thought I'd share.
Originally Posted by elperrillo
the way I usually do it is with the following method:
1) I resize the partition using gparted
2) I let the operating system with the resized partition boot so it can fix any possible errors.
3) I use clonezilla to clone the drive
The thing is that, if you're using a current version of gparted (0.12.1), and you resize a drive, if you view the details of the process in gparted, you'll notice that one of the steps is actually to check the partition.
Here was my process:
1) Use dd to copy from big partitions to small partitions on a 500GB harddrive to an 80GB SSD.
2) Open up gparted, and see that the small partition had a red exclamation point. When I viewed the information about the drive, the error status window was too tall for my screen.
3) Switch to the big drive and shrink the partitions to match exactly in MiB the size of the target, small partitions. Gparted claims that part of this process is checking the new small partitions on the big harddrive.
4) Use dd again, to partition on small drive, from equally-sized parition on the big drive.
5) In gparted, right click on the partitions on the small drive that still have exclamation points, and choose "check." This queues checking the partitions, and when I pressed the green check mark to do the queued operations, it worked for a sec and then the red exclamation points went away.
Seems to me like you could get away with just doing steps 3 and 4, and that steps 1, 2, and 5 were only because I originally used dd to copy from a larger partition to a smaller one. The real timesaver is that you don't need a Clonezilla live CD/USB key. I did all of this from an Ubuntu live USB. So basically, the answer to everyone saying "oh, but, dd doesn't work from a larger partition to a smaller one," is, "make the larger partition smaller first, and then use dd."
(I'll admit that I'm writing this from the live USB while the second dd run for the second partition I want is running. So, I'm not 100% positive that it worked. But it looks from here like it will have. If I don't reply, assume it worked.)