Driver Installation:
Software installation for FC3 is handles through YUM. Always use this first.
It is also possible to locate drivers as rpm files using google. Understand there is no one resource for all drivers - just like in windows. Lots of people make drivers for linux. Driver rpm files are installed, unsurprisingly, via the rpm utility. Lastly, you can always choose to download source code and compile it yourself.
Listing Installled Drivers:
You should be aware that drivers, in linux, are called modules. The utility which handles them is called "modprobe". You can get a simple list of all the modules that have been loaded with "lsmod" and you can find out what modules have been compiled by downloading the kernel source tree and running "make gconfig" as if you were about to recompile the kernel. This will give you a browsable tree of kernel modules with handy help files.
If you have a specific issue with drivers (or anything else), please ask a specific question.
Note: you will likely be happier with a more recent fedora release (or any linux release for that matter). FC3 had many issues which have now been rsolved.