You need to look at a file called /etc/lilo.conf
It should have a line like -
append="quiet noapic devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi"
The important part is hdc=ide-scsi. You need a similar phrase in your file. You also need to know how your CD-RW is connected. If it is primary slave, type in hdb=ide-scsi, secondary master would be hdc=i..... , and secondary slave hdd=....
OK, once you've done that, as root, save the file and open a terminal, again as root. Type in the command lilo and hit return. That will activate the changes. You than have to reboot. After that, open a terminal as root and type in cdrecord -scanbus You should get a listing containing your CD-RW and all your cd-writing apps should be able to see the drive.