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Old 11-22-2002, 06:25 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Vukojebina, Europe, Earth
Distribution: M$ Lunix v6.66
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Rep: Reputation: 31
Thumbs down cd reading problems


Every time i copy something from my CDrom drive the processor resouces are on 100% and i'm not able do do anything else in the mean time. Is this a CDrom problem? Because i have another CD-RW in my box and copying from there works fine, the resouces takes only up to 10% of processor.

1st cdrom (regular) is primary slave
2nd cd-rw is secondary Master

Old 11-22-2002, 06:43 AM   #2
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well i'd say put the cdrom on secondary slave if this is what you are most likely to so with the drive... as it's (presumably0 on the same channel as the hard drive you get a huuuuge old bottle neck as it all has to go to the cpu and then all the way back again, something that doesn't have to happen on the cdrw as it's all one straight route (DMA) to the hard drive. of course, if you were to put the cdrom on the same channel as the cdrw then you will creaet the problem you are having now with cd-cd copying... depends which you value the most.
Old 11-22-2002, 07:16 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2002
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Thanks for that Cris, but i think i wasn't clear enought.

I have problems when copying from CD ---> hdd and not from cd --> cd. I can't put my ordinary cdrom on secondary slave because it's taken by my rack so... I'm just thinking on getting a new one?

Old 11-22-2002, 07:25 AM   #4
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What Chris said makes perfectly good sense:
It looks like your current setup is:
hda = Harddrive
hdb = CDRom/DVD?
hdc = CDBurner?
As it stands, when you copy stuff from hdb (cd) to hda (harddrive), it's creating a bottleneck. You can stop this by either putting the CD into the burner (hdc) and copying the file.

The problems arises, however, if your hdb is a DVD drive... you can't put DVDs into a burner to copy individual files. You should have your setup as follows:

hda = Harddrive
hdb = left blank, no device
hdc = Burner
hdd = CD/DVD drive.

This way, if you're copying stuff to the harddrive, you won't get any bottlenecks... the only time you would get a bottleneck is if you were trying to do a CD-->CD copy... as Chris said. You do not need to change the position of the device physically, you only need to change the cables over.
Old 11-22-2002, 08:10 AM   #5
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[quote]What Chris said makes perfectly good sense:[/code]well.. a few more fullstops and capitals wouldn't have gone amiss.
Old 11-24-2002, 08:08 PM   #6
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Vukojebina, Europe, Earth
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got it. thx


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