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Old 08-26-2003, 11:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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CD, DVD problems

I am new in Linux and I have problem to mount my CD and DVD players?
I know that there are many answers on this question on other topics but none of them worked for me.

My /etc/fstab looks like this:

dev/hda3 / reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/cdrecorder /media/cdrecorder auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
/dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
/dev/floppy /media/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
/dev/hda2 /windows/C ntfs ro,noauto,user,umask=022 0 0

Please explain me what to do in details.
Thank you!
Old 08-27-2003, 05:27 AM   #2
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what to do to do what? if you're *watching* dvd's then you don't need to mount them etc...

but ....

mount /media/cdrecorder
mount /media/cdrom

will mount those two devices.
Old 08-27-2003, 06:35 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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i allready tried that...
but when I do that this error msg pops up

cpa-31:/cdrom # mount /media/cdrom
mount: special device /mnt/cdrom does not exist

and when I go to /mnt directory its empty!

thank you for your replay...
Old 08-27-2003, 07:10 PM   #4
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Change /mnt/cdrom to /dev/cdrom or, better, /dev/hdc or whatever your device is. I don't undersand the purpose of 'media' directories but just make sure *those* aren't empty. If they are, 'mkdir /media/cdrom'. But the reason regular CDs (which don't need to be mounted) aren't working, at least in part, is that you need 'dev', not 'mnt'. And the reason data CDs may not mount is that and the fact that the mount point may not exist.


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