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Old 01-10-2003, 09:22 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: brasil
Distribution: mdrk 8.0,redht7.1,debianpotato
Posts: 615

Rep: Reputation: 30
CASIO QV-10A driver problema

I borrowed a lcd digital camera CASIO QV-10A and as nobody managed to make it work so far (under windows and not 95 for sure) i looked for a linux drive and i found a qvplay-0.95.tar.gz .

well, i looked into readme file and found a great deal of information regarding all sorts of linux distros and other OS , warnings , and format stuff that won't work ( among other things ) :

"CASIO QV-10 digital camera is a cool product. But, PC link software
provided by CASIO works on only MS Windows PC or Machintosh.

"Ken-ichi HAYASHI <>
Jun-ichiro "itojun" Itoh <>


- The auther assumes no responsibility for the results for the usage of
this software(qvplay, qvrec, qvalldel), and documents.
- There is a possibility of this software (qvplay, qvrec, qvalldel)
can cause permanent damage to QV-10's hardware and image data
in the QV-10.
Use at your own risk.
- Sometimes, you must do a small hardware hack to PC-QV10 connection
cable. (On old FreeBSD and NEXTSTEP, this hardware hack is needed)
- This software (qvplay, qvrec, qvalldel) is 'FreeWare'.
You can freely redistribute this archive.
- You can use the entire source code of this archive in your software,
but I assume no resuponsibilitiy for the results of the usage of the
source code.
Use at your own risk.
- If you want to need some kind of 'license',
you can choice 'BSD style license' or 'LGPL'.
It is great presure you describe at README file of your software,
"This software has QVplay's source code.".
- You can redistribute source archive of 'Ver. 0.10a' and 'Ver. 0.95'.
Other versions are not stable or older version, so you should not
- I finish development of 'qvplay' at 'Ver. 0.95' release."

I really would like to post the entire readme but it's kind of big , so if anyone wants it , just , please, say so .

BTW i have a conection cable for it ( it ain't USB either) joystick type .

I'm a dual booter so i'm going to try it anyways on windows too but i really need your advise on two things :

- Is it really dangerous to try out on linux? cause i don't want to end up with a dead pigeon on my lap .

- I only untared the package (tar zxvf .....) but i couldn't even finish it (this one is a bomb , not that i'm that experienced with source code but since i learned it , i never installed any other format on my machine . It feels like i'm going to take ages to configure this camera and i don't really have that much time .

Old 01-11-2003, 03:11 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 5,700

Rep: Reputation: 72
At the most usually, and I mean 99 out of a 100, all you can probably screw up is its detachable media, and then reformatting it vfat with CF or smartcard reader-writer will probably set it back to rights. Also, if you can get a usb cf or smartmedia reader, most of them are supported under linux; alot more under 2.4.19 than 18.


Old 01-11-2003, 07:07 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: brasil
Distribution: mdrk 8.0,redht7.1,debianpotato
Posts: 615

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
thank you , i will look into usb cf ,i read it change serial port type of connection to USB through a kit (card)


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