cant get ip address
Hello all,
I've been finding myself on here asking more questions than I imagined I would.
I've been messing around with some differnt distros trying to figure them out a bit. All of them worked, just like it did before I started this mess.
I was running slackware and deceided to run it again after it all. I've installed it about 5 times in the last two weeks and never before have I had this problem.
Usually I just run netconfig and all is well. I even tried manually editing the rc.inet.conf file to no avail.
I cant get on the internet. Cant get a ip, cant ping out, cant get anything I need to figure this out. Its pretty frustrating.
I can ping my local address and that's fine. I just cant get my ip address and connected.
I feel like such a newb, can someone please tell me if and what it is that I should look for to find out if maybe I'm missing a file / protocol or something.
Btw, this is slackware 10.2, and my internet was working on it just prior to the fresh install.
I'm about to just reinstall it, with a fresh copy and all. But I don't really think that is totaly nessacary.
Thanks for any help,
charlie r