Canon Canoscan FS 2710 slide scanner
I'm new to Linux and have Suse 10 (2.6.13-15.8-smp). I already have a flatbed SCSI scanner running but can't get the SCSI Canon FS 2710 recognized. In YaST looking at hardware > Scanners, I can "see" a Canon IX-27025E at /dev/sg4. In YaST it comes up as not configured. This is the device I want to configure.
I've downloaded files with front and backend, but don't have the knowledge to know what to do with them. I can't figure out the proper sequence and locations as what is recommended doesn't seem to match my path structure. These are also several years old. Is there a more recent RPM that I could download that works?
I'd like to get this device running, but have a Windows working setup to use until Linux can see it properly.