Can't "make config" whilst attempting wifi card install on Debian Sarge.
Okay, I will start this off by letting you all know I am an idiot. I liked the sound of apt-get so I got Debian... but this lack of internet is a hinderance if ever there was one.
I am using Debian Sarge.
uname -r
/sbin/cardctl ident
Socket 0:
no product info available
Socket 1:
product info: "11WAVE", "11WP611AL-E"
manfid: 0x0000, 0x0000
function: 6 (network)
Okay friends, I have a Wavebuddy IEEE 802.11b Wireless PCMCIA card. It comes with a disk. The drivers folder leads me to a Linux folder. This has a readme. I follow the read me. Let me retrace my steps for you!
1.) Make a directory to put the code atmelwlandriver.2.1.1.tar.bz2 in. Go into that directory.
Done. I made one called wlan. So there is /home/kyle/wlan and inside wlan is atmelwlandriver.2.1.1.tar.bz2
2.) Run: bunzip2 atmelwlandriver.2.1.1.tar.bz2
tar -xvf atmelwlandriver.2.1.1.tar
Done. When I bunzipped that bz2 it made a new folder: /home/kyle/atmelwlandriver
3.) Go into the atmelwlandriver directory.
4.) Edit the /scripts/atmel.conf file by adding three lines as below:
card "11WAVE WaveBuddy RFMD Revision E PC Card"
version "11WAVE", "11WP611AL-E"
bind "pcmf502re"
Done! I had to chome it so I could save it... but then I saved her.
5.) Run: make config
THIS is where I get stuck. Do I have to "cd" to a certain directory? All the directories I've tried have said,:
*** No rule to make target 'config'. Stop.
Oof. Is it looking for a file called config? If so I don't have it. This is my second day of Linux experience so keep that in mind when you answering me... I know few commands and am dumb.
Also, this may be crossing the bridge before we get to it, but my wireless network requires a password to get on. If my wifi card ever gets working where will I enter the password and things? Do I have to get a program somewhere? Just apt-get osmething off my installation disk?
Thanks for all the time it will take for me to get this card working. Don't give up fellas we can do it!