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Old 06-05-2006, 06:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Bootable CD-Drive

I've burned my ISO files to CDs (I burned the images, not the *.iso files)
CD1 is supposed to be bootable. I think I've burned it as a bootable CD. I used nero, selected boot CD, and A: as the logical drive.
But it won't boot when I power up the PC. So now I don't know if I messed up making a Bootable CD, or if my CD-Drive needs to be configured in the BIOS as bootable. I don't have any other bootable CDs, I think.

My question.

How can I check to see if I have a bootable CD-Drive, and If I have, whether or not it is "turned-on".
I had a look in my BIOS, but couldn't see anything there about bootable CDs.


Sorry, forgot to mention. I'm on Win XP
Old 06-05-2006, 06:19 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Aberdeen Scotland
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You need to enter bios and amend the boot sequence so that cdrom is first, so just put cd first and move other options down 1. Newer bios have an option where you can press F8 or whatever to choose which device to boot from so check screen for messages during initial boot up/post as to which key to press. You may also have to enable the option - boot other device in bios.
Old 06-05-2006, 06:22 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2003
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You need to go to File --> Burn image (at least thats where i think it is, it may have moved) and burn the image (the iso has the boot data in it, so there is no need for you to select boot disk )
Old 06-06-2006, 02:43 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for the help lads.
I went into the BIOS, and under System I found the BOOT Sequence which showed the devices that would boot and the order in which they were to be searched.

1: Floppy drive
2: SATA hard drive
3: IDE hard drive (not present)

So it looks like my CD-Rom is bootable after all (The numbers in front show that an option has been selected)
So I burned another CD (rewritable), using nero, as a boot disk and powered up again. Nothing happened.
I went back into BIOS and deselected all options other than CD and also put it first in order.

: Floppy drive
: SATA hard drive
: IDE hard drive (not present)

When I exited BIOS and let my machine try to boot up, it went into safe mode!
It looks like I'm messing up with making a bootable CD, yes ?

Any suggestions/hints on what I might be doing wrong?
Old 06-06-2006, 03:45 AM   #5
Registered: Aug 2004
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Yeah, as ian suggested above you should burn it as a cd image or iso image, cant remember the options in nero but its not as a boot disc.
Old 06-06-2006, 03:54 AM   #6
Registered: May 2006
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just double click the iso file and nero should pop up asking for a blank disc.

If it asks you what program should it use to open iso files, just point it at nero.
Old 06-10-2006, 02:24 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
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Finally got it

I burned the iso file as an image, rather than as an image file (*.iso) and it came out as a bootable disk.
The other problem was in the BIOS.

I went into the BIOS, got the BOOT Sequence, and the following was the order in which they were to be searched.

1: Floppy drive
2: SATA hard drive
3: IDE hard drive (not present)

I moved the CD-ROM to position 2:, after the floppy, and now it booted up and I was able to install the OS/linux. Unfortunately, the boot loader would only let me go into Linux and I was kept out of windows. So I had no internet accces!!
Even when I ran the install program again and tried to change the boot configurstion, it told me that I had'nt installed any kernel packeges, and so it wasn't going to change my configuration. But I had no idea how to intall a kernel package. AARGH!!!.

Anyway, finally got it sorted out. But it took a few days. Now my next task is to get my linux internet-ready
Old 06-10-2006, 05:17 AM   #8
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Aberdeen Scotland
Distribution: elive,sidux,xp,pclinuxos super gamer, mandriva 2007
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Good luck, these might help


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