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Old 11-16-2019, 01:39 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: India
Distribution: Opensuse 11.3
Posts: 34

Rep: Reputation: 15
boot issues on ASUS prime B450M-A with AMD Ryzen 2200G

Hello All,

I needed to replace my motherboard with ASUS prime B450M-A with Ryzen 3 2200G processor and 8GB memory card.

The linux version I am trying to run on the board is an opensuse version (may be 12.xx) with kernel 3.2.10 - 32 bit. (Board is 64 bit, but this is OK I am told).There is a self-hosted application in this disk,so i need to run this. I cannot easily migrate, because postgresql and tomcat servers were running out of the box before MB-failure.

I am stuck with an error as in the attachment of kernel panic.The click was taken on my mobile.There is no other boot option in the problem pc.

I have run opensuse 11.2 and knoppix 6.10 live CDs on the same system which run flawlessly.The kernel in those live systems are all 2.6.2x series.

The refernces I find on the net for the above board are all positive. For this kernel panic,I see no explanation on the net that can help me.

Any help will be appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Old 11-16-2019, 01:51 PM   #2
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Hi pbhat,

My understanding is that you are attempting to boot an OpenSUSE system that was previously installed before you upgraded your motherboard and CPU. Is this correct ?

My guess is that the kernel is expecting the previous hardware and is stopping with a panic. You may have to reinstall completely or at the very least, reinstall the version of the kernel you were using and see if that suffices.

Since you cannot boot the installed system, chrooting into it from a live ISO session might be your best bet.

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Old 11-16-2019, 03:02 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2004
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You may be right,that is logical.Thanks for reminding me.

I am used to keeping a hard-disk with complete installation and running this on different machines,changing between AMD and intel processors and chipsets,but I guess the change may not have been huge in terms of hardware.It is this experience which made me try this in the first place.

I have change-rooted and tried re-installing boot-loader,but only so far.

If I am to do as you suggest,do you think,

1. the 're-installation' switch of rpm will need to access the original repositories ? OR it is just re-building initrd ?

2.OR just re-building initrd will work ?The linux kernel does not seem to keep any other installation information.
Old 11-16-2019, 03:09 PM   #4
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Hi pbhat,

I would try #2 first. I am unfamiliar with SUSE so not qualified to comment on option #1. Re-installing the boot-loader would probably not be sufficient.
Old 11-17-2019, 08:48 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2004
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Update :

Re-building initrd does not improve the situation. The boot error message is just saying kernel is not seeing or getting something which it expects to get.As the messages fly by,the cause of the error goes out of screen. Is there anyway to make the kernel messages written to the disk even as the root does not get mounted at all ? If all the kernel messages can be seen,I am sure some clue will be there.

The latest LiveCD from opensuse runs,but kms needs manual turn-off,safe-settings are required.The memory reported is only 1 GB when there is 8 GB memory in live session.
Old 11-17-2019, 09:23 AM   #6
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Hi pbhat,

Unless other members have other suggestions here, given the above results, my recommendation to you would be to reinstall SUSE from scratch after copying your important data from a live session to some external media.

I realize this is a time-consuming task, but I have a feeling the system board / CPU change is too major and that it would take endless tweaking to perhaps find a solution without reinstalling.


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