Big Problem with AvertTV-DVB USB
Hi, im a new linux user (ubuntu), and i have bought an Avertv DVB-USB 2.0 a week ago. I found some nice guides to install the drivers, but i get some problems...i've been trying for week.
The problemn is when i try to compile the driver i get:
~/dvb-kernel/build-2.6$ make
Makefile:13: /lib/modules/2.6.15-22-386/source/.config: FIle or directory doesen't exist
make: *** there's no rule to build the objective `/lib/modules/2.6.15-22-386/source/.config'. Alto.
And truly i don't have any directory named source, i have installed already the kernel headers, source and essentials for my 2.6.15-22-386 but i still can't get to make it.
I would really appreciate a help on this issue, or if someone could tell me another way to make my ubuntu dapper recognize the dvb receptor.
Thanks alot in advance.