"Basically, I'm hoping to plug the drive in and be able to mount it so I can either DD to it or CP to it then umount once the backup has completed and store the device in a fire-safe."
A tape is a device, not a mountable file system. you cannot mount and umount tapes. By far the best command to use to copy data to and from tapes is tar.
"Can somebody recoment an external tape drive, or external Hard-drive that is easily compatible with Fedora Core 3 and doen't require A LOT of software manuipulation?"
You can use pretty much any external tape drive that attaches to the IDE controller, the SCSI controller, or the floppy controller. I have no idea whether or not a USB tape is supported. Tape drives are suported with the ftape driver. Here is a howto for ftape using floppy tape drives. The main difference with other tape drive types is that they connect on different device addresses.
I used an external tape for several years. I think that tape drives are a lousy way to do backups and restore, especially restore. I highly recommend that you use CD-RW instead.
free_ouyo said:
"In my opinion, the best is the use of external HD."
I agree, as long as you have more than one external HD so that you can keep at least two generations of backup totally detached from your computer.
Steve Stites