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gradinaruvasile 03-12-2013 05:57 AM

Is this issue older? Or it appeared with the current drivers/kernel? Maybe a kernel/driver downgrade would help?

Also, can you elaborate on your issues a bit more?
You mentioned Facebook games. Those issues are related to the Flash player plugin. What browser/plugin version do you have?

In what other circumstances does this occur?
Can you install driconf and try its options?

grail 03-12-2013 09:05 AM


Is this issue older?
PC was purchased in November last year and originally came with SUSE 11 but it had the same issues.

Also, can you elaborate on your issues a bit more?
You mentioned Facebook games. Those issues are related to the Flash player plugin. What browser/plugin version do you have?
I am not sure if it is the flash version here as the game seems to play ok whilst standard size but as soon as you go full screen when there are items moving into or out of the screen
you can then briefly and intermittently see the graphics of the screen behind.
I am running 11.2 of flash on the Chromium browser.

Other issues that I think are related to the card is that when you first login the desktop looks like it is being built in pieces rather than displaying all at once.

I use Guake and making it dis/appear rapidly causes the screen it overlays to take time to render.

I will look into installing dirconf.

gradinaruvasile 03-12-2013 09:36 AM

Do you use the built-in composition engine of the xfce window manager (transparency effects etc)? If so, disable it.

You should try another up-to date browser such as Firefox (you can d/l directly from their site, unpack and execute) with the Adobe provided flash (download the .tar.gz and extract the file in the ~/.mozilla/plugins folder). Chrome's internal flash has some differences vs the Adobe version, i had issues with it even with nvidia cards.

But bear in mind that Flash is buggy on Linux, regardless of hardware. Fullscreen uses an overlay method (badly implemented it seems) that may cause the blinking. You could try disabling the hardware acceleration from the right-click menu.

grail 03-12-2013 09:43 AM

I will try turning off the compositor, although I would like to get it back at some point.

I do have adobe flash installed but will also try alternate browser. Will advise on outcome.

gradinaruvasile 03-12-2013 09:50 AM

xfce's compositor is slow. Thats because it is a pure software solution, it is nowhere near the likes of compiz&co performance wise.
I tried it, but didnt like the fact that it introduced bad tearing in everything, especially fullscreen movies.

You might try compiz itself (if you can install it, on Debian it is messed up nowadays), that uses opengl and its way faster + its compatible with the xfce window manager.

grail 03-13-2013 06:11 AM

Ok ... so here is what has been done:

1. xfce compositor - off

2. Installed driconf and firefox

Screen refresh rate is still pretty woeful and games at fullscreen still show back ground images under certain movements.

I would add that I play these games regularly on my main machine without issue so I am not thinking that flash being buggy with linux is the issue.

As far as driconf goes, I have never used it before so if there are specific things for me to try you may need to nudge me towards what I should be looking for?

Have yet to try compiz, but will attempt shortly and report back.

gradinaruvasile 03-13-2013 08:26 AM

What hardware/drivers do you have on your main machine?

gradinaruvasile 03-13-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by grail (Post 4910637)
As far as driconf goes, I have never used it before so if there are specific things for me to try you may need to nudge me towards what I should be looking for?

Well, maybe if you can post here the options you have there. Last time i used driconf was quite a while ago, since them things proably changed.
First, you could try forcing vsync on.
Anyway, driconf's settings affect opengl stuff only so flash is out of its reach.

grail 03-13-2013 10:24 AM

Unfortunately my main machine is using a pair of nvidia gtx 460s and I am using openbox / compton compositing.
Browser is google chrome and adobe flash.

Will look into driconf.

I did manage to get compiz working but lost all my window decorations so will need to work a bit more on that.

gradinaruvasile 03-13-2013 10:34 AM

Well there can be many differences between a new nvidia cards with its proprietary driver and an older AMD card with the opensource drivers.

Compiz is s window manager in itself and uses other window decorations than xfwm.

grail 03-30-2013 09:59 AM

Ok ... sorry for the long delay (work gets in the way some times :( )

So compiz / emerald are up and running ;)

Unfortunately the facebook game stuff seems to still have the same issue of showing the screen behind when some moving parts of the game are in action at full screen mode :(

Still haven't had much of a chance to play with driconf, but will get there.

This is not a game changer as this machine will not be used for this purpose often, my main hope was to deliver a smooth running machine to the user in all areas.
Guess I will have to keep looking into this part. If anyone comes up with any other ideas please let me know as am happy to try things :)

gradinaruvasile 03-30-2013 12:13 PM

Disable acceleration in flash?

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