ASUS P4R800-V Deluxe Sound Problem
I have ASUS P4R800-V Deluxe and my distro is Mandrake 10.1.
My motherboard chipset is ATI REDEON 9100 IGP and ATI IXP 150, and sound is ADI AD1888 SoundMax 6-channel audio Codec.
I have some problems about sound. When the computer starting up, the welcome sound is working correctly in 1 second, then it works broken pieceses repeatedly.
I tried to install its driver but it did not work.Moreover when i turn off the system sounds from System/Configuration/KDE/Sound/SystemSound, XMMS works correctly. Furthermore, when i try to run Kaffein while XMMS is running, the sound corrupts again, then i kill them, and open the one of them, it works correctly.(They can work while the system sound is off, otherwise no programs related to sound works, in terms of using sound...)
Is there anyone, who have same motherboard, get rid of the sound problem?
Please help...