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taskara 10-11-2003 11:20 PM

I have read through this entire thread, and it is at least the first glimmer of hope I have seen!

I am using gentoo (oh yeah!) - I am thinking of trying to make a custom live cd that has support for this promise controller built in.

anyone interested, let me know. I finish up at work in a week so I should have some free time on my hands! ;)

thanks guys! let's hope promise officially starts releasing open source drivers!!!!!!!!

Mirar 10-12-2003 12:01 AM

I'm interested, even though I've given up hope of getting the driver to run (I just get system hangs when I try).

bradp_84 10-15-2003 07:05 AM

I've tried using the source that I downloaded from the angeltek webiste mentioned above. I can compile the code under both vanilla-sources-2.4.22 and any of the gentoo-sources-2.4.20. However, when I try and insert the module, I get a bunch (like 20-30) unresolved symbols including (vsprintf, __wakeup, kmalloc just to name a few that I can remember off the top of my head) I have added all of the multi-device support (RAID and LVM) and scsi_mod as well.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance


WCprof 11-01-2003 11:23 AM

I got the ft3xx to work and I see my array but I can't do makedev sd\*
because I don't have makedev. Or am I just to stupid?
Where can I get makedev or how can I enable it?

lol sry just found out I allready had sda1.
Thank you everyone that helped this thread!
It works perfectly! :D


xxbartosxx 11-03-2003 06:24 AM

Hey guys give this a try
also look at this thread

I hope someone can help!

grts Bart

DAMN wrong thread

WCprof 11-03-2003 10:18 AM

I figured out how to get the modules working and how to mount the array but I'm not sure on how to load the module at boot.
Could somebody just give me a hint, I use slackware and I put it in some boot up script but then the /etc/fstab file won't mount the drive.

sbcdivision63 11-06-2003 10:52 AM

i have a p4c800 deluxe and ive had no problems installing red hat 9 on my system. heres my setup:
p4 3.0 overclocked to 3.3
2xkingston 256mb kingston ram
ati radeon 9500 pro
30 gig western digital drive (linux drive)
80 gig western digital drive (winxp drive)

overall ive had no problems installing the linux os, only with problems installing the drivers for the onboard lan. all the linux drivers can be found on the asus cd that comes with the board

jhaprins 11-06-2003 11:04 AM

P4C800 deluxe
This might be true if you did not upgrade your system with the latest security patches from redhat, including the latest kernel update. With these updates you are out off luck with some of the drivers that are on the CD. Especially the SATA Driver is a big nono then.

Besides that, the driver for the lan adapter is not functioning very well for everyone, there are some bugs in this driver but you only see them when you connect to certain other systems at this is not the same for everybody.


sbcdivision63 11-06-2003 01:11 PM

yea your prolly right cause i cant upgrade anything because i cant even get on the internet...the only thing i updated was the kernel and i downloaded the kernel source so hopefully when i boot linux up now i can get on the freakin net...

fredo[dk] 11-10-2003 01:42 PM

Promise 20378
You can download Promise 20378 linux drivers from

mrtrank111 11-12-2003 06:19 PM

I got gentoo install on the following box :

P4 3.0
1GO DDR 800
IDE and SATA Maxtor 120 go 8M0 de cache
No raid on that box
Nvidia Cards

I run the original kernel self compiled. 2.4.22
it works fine a bit slower when i was expected

i got a small question if someone can help :
I couldn't made grub booting from the SATA, even if i can access to the SATA driver after booting on IDE .
any Idea ?

feel free to ask for a .config from the original kernal that works fine with this motherboard.


xxbartosxx 11-13-2003 02:34 AM


Originally posted by taskara
I have read through this entire thread, and it is at least the first glimmer of hope I have seen!

I am using gentoo (oh yeah!) - I am thinking of trying to make a custom live cd that has support for this promise controller built in.

anyone interested, let me know. I finish up at work in a week so I should have some free time on my hands! ;)

thanks guys! let's hope promise officially starts releasing open source drivers!!!!!!!!

I am also very very interrested!!

Instinct 11-21-2003 04:13 AM

yesterday I got an answer from European support:

"At this moment we do not have SuSe 9 drivers for any controller, these will
be released soon.
I will sent you those drivers as soon as they become available."

At least they are releasing modules for the new "mainstream" linux distros

I would really like to know whats the use of driver sources that actually do not work on any OS.

nomad81 11-22-2003 07:27 PM

Promise 378 Frustrations
Asus P4C800-E Deluxe
Promise Fasttrak 378 controller with:

While attempting to install Gentoo 1.4 I have managed to force insmod the ft3xx.o module (version built by Promise for Redhat running kernel 2.4.20. While it complains about not being GPL, etc. the module DOES work and makes /dev/sda available. I have successfully written data to the array, and verified that it's still there after a reboot.
However, I can find no way to install a bootloader to this device. Grub can't seem to see it at all, and when I execute /sbin/lilo, it gives me this:


Fatal: Device 0x0800: Maximum number of sectors is 63, not 246
What exactly does this mean, and how can I get LILO (or any other bootloader) to install?

bradp_84 02-20-2004 04:26 AM

I run gentoo linux and use the vanilla sources (2.4.24 and 2.4.25)

I have been using the RAID controller on my P4c800 motherboard for a few weeks now. My root filesystem is under RAID, so I have to use initrd to load the ft3xx.o module before I can mount /

I used the source code ( from the antgel website:

Also make sure that "/usr/src/linux" points to your kernel sources and that you have done a 'make dep'

In 'make menuconfig' under 'Loadable module support', make sure 'Set version information on all module symbls' is disabled or you whenever you try to load the module it will complain about unresolved symbols.

As for initrd, here is a snippet from my grub.conf

title=Vanilla Linux 2.4.25-20-02-04 *** INITRD ***
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vanilla-2.4.25-20-02-04 root=/dev/ram0 initrd init=/linuxrc
initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.25-20-02-04.img.gz

And my linuxrc file that resides under / in my initrd image:

echo "Starting execution of /linuxrc"

# Change PATH
export PATH="$PATH:/sbin"

# Root file system location

# Where the old root file-system will be mounted

# Driver module

echo "Loading $DRIVER_MOD"

# Load the driver module
insmod $DRIVER_MOD

echo "Mounting $ROOT_DEV as new root file system"

# Mount the new root file-system
mount -n $ROOT_DEV /new_root

# Change into new root directory
cd /new_root

# Make sure a directory exists to mount the current root at
mkdir -p $OLD_ROOT

echo "Using pivot_root to change to new file system"

# Pivot root
pivot_root . $OLD_ROOT

echo "Starting init"

# Use the new root
exec chroot . /sbin/init </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1

You have to make up an initrd image and put the required commands and libraries that those commands use. ldd <path_to_binary> can be used to determine what libraries are needed.

Be sure to 'mknod console c 5 1' in /dev of your initrd image.

Hope this helps some people


fzzy 03-07-2004 03:48 PM

Re: Promise 20378

Originally posted by fredo[dk]
You can download Promise 20378 linux drivers from
these are only binaries, and only for RH and suse. same as on the motherboard CD.

"I have a Promise RAID 20376 SATA RAID controller...I'm pleased to report that Promise have now released the driver under the GPL. It is available in the 2.6 kernel. As far as I am aware, this driver shows the 2 drives as separate drives, even if there is a RAID array in the bios. This leaves the user to set up Linux software RAID"

has anyone acutually got the SATA RAID (HARDWARE) working? does the drive show up as one or 2 drives?

gentoo with 2.4 kernel and ft3xx.o (from '') seems to work.. (no real testing yet)

my gentoo 2.6.3 kernel can mount them (SATA drives, RAID controller) individually just fine , 'out-of-the-box' (both show up as sda and sdb), but i can't (yet) confirm any actual RAID mirroring going on yet.

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