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Old 08-21-2003, 11:30 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Warwick (
Distribution: Arch, Slackware 9.0, (knoppix standing by)
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Asus AAM6000UG - ALC / AME Modem

Hello everybody. I've googled this and searched the forums but no one seems to be using/having problems with this. I've just moved from Germany (where there are shiny external DSL routers and modems, and the interface runs over ethernet... nice.) to Belgium (Where there are flimsy toylike usb modems). I've been trying today to get the aforementioned modem installed, but to no avail. I'm only here a month so I don't particularly like the idea of buying new kit, so i would really like to get this (supplied by my dad) working .
There are two (identical looking) versions of this modem, one with a globespan chipset supported by ECI adsl and one with an alcatel chipset supported by new drivers. I have the alcatel one, so got the drivers from sourceforge, and since it has the alcatel chipset, and mentioned the speedtouch, the usb drivers from sf too. I followed the howto for speedtouch, guessing the only difference was with the firmware transfer. Instead of using the alcatel speedtouch firmware, i used the amedyn asus's firmware with the included amload prog.
This is my first problem.
amload claims to find the modem and to have transferred the firmware. It also changes the modem from having all three LEDs lit to flashing the WAN light. It then dies with " error: usb_control_msg: error sending control message. Broken pipe." I'm paraphrasing a little, my linux box is upstairs from my parent's XP.
Output of dmesg seems to correspond:
"amload did not claim interface 0 before use
USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed dev 3"
I tried to start pppd regardless, and get no errors, but also no connections ifconfig just shows loopback info.
I realise that I haven't given a huge amount of info here, but i just wondered if there was anyone in belgium who's got this all up and running, and also if there are any obvious problems that i haven't seen. Is this perhaps exclusively a usbfs problem? I haven't had any problems with usbfs before now, should i be using speedtouch howtos with this modem? The asus driver documentation seemed to hint it, but wasn't exactly extensive... Anyway, thanks for any light anyone can shed on this one. and sorry for the long post

EDIT: Forgot to mention: the software was all downloaded today, newest stable versions, and according to the manual, a blinking WAN light means waiting for ADSL line synchronisation.

Last edited by BigBadPenguin; 08-21-2003 at 11:43 AM.
Old 08-22-2003, 01:32 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
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Distribution: Arch, Slackware 9.0, (knoppix standing by)
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Old 08-28-2003, 05:28 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Warwick (
Distribution: Arch, Slackware 9.0, (knoppix standing by)
Posts: 256

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Well, thanks all 20 of you for reading. I fixed the problem today by just connecting over ethernet to the computer downstairs. I've never done anything like it before but it took all of half an hour to set up, reaffirming my love for slack. Anyway, if anyone has a similar problem/circumstances, just do that.
Old 09-01-2003, 02:33 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 2

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I have mandrake 9.1 with ASUS AAM 6000UG modem from Belgacom.

I am also having similar problems connecting to internet using that modem ....

any suggestions...
Old 09-02-2003, 04:22 AM   #5
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Warwick (
Distribution: Arch, Slackware 9.0, (knoppix standing by)
Posts: 256

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There is a beta driver around, with slightly dodgy documentation, at Just search for the modem name. I couldn't make it fly but maybe you can. If not, and you're looking for a permanent solution I guess you should consider some linux-friendlier hardware (i only needed mine for 5 weeks, so didn't want to buy new stuff) . As for links for that, i can only suggest google
Old 10-10-2003, 02:55 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0

I am reading the original posting with interest. It describes in detail exactly the problem that I have had - same flashing WAN light, same error messages etc when running the amload script from the /usr/amedyn/init directory. I have been using the beta release of the driver for this modem with the AME chipset and working with RedHat Linux 9 (kernel 2.4.20-8). The driver is supposedly working with Mandrake.

By posting this message it may perhaps reassure others who, like me, have wasted hours with this problem and perhaps set a challenge for those of a more persistent nature to get this working. I suspect that there are many with this modem since it came in a widely sold ADSL starter pack.

In the meantime my Linux installation remains an Internet-free zone and I am obliged to boot back and forth to Microsoft's OS to make postings like this one and search for other Linux related help - so ironic (!).

Good Luck!


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