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Old 03-08-2003, 12:24 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1

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Question ASUS A7N8X w/ Knoppix 3.1 Problem

I have the ASUS A7N8X motherboard (Nforce 2 chipset)...Knoppix 3.1 while it loads, and I get does not recognize the on-board audio nor the on-board NIC - the NVidia on-board hardware...I have no PCI cards required. On-board hardware is not being picked up when Knoppix boots up...

Is there a customized Knoppix image that supports these? An Nforce chipset/mobo flavour? Or some way I can get these working, some drivers I can add or something like that?...namely the NIC so I can get 'Net access?

Any and all help would be most appreciated.


Old 03-08-2003, 05:16 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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The NIC driver's aren't in kernel yet, and although Knoppix is cool about including non-GPL goop (for instance, the Nvidia drivers), its not likely to be easy to make happen. You can check through the Knoppix pages, mail the jokers... it might already be scheduled in their next release.

This is of course assuming your just using the Knoppix CD as live-run, if you've actually installed you can download the package from Nvidia and just compile it in yourself, or better yet, even with the live-run, download, compile it, stick the modules you'll want on a floppy, and then modprobe them after the cd is done booting.




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