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Old 04-03-2003, 08:27 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Central New Jersey
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Exclamation Armageddon | Cantenna | Solar Power --> Ideas?

Call me crazy, but it seems like a pessimistic way of seeing some possible outcomes of American Agression could be a temporary or potent disruption of what we take for granted here in the US (cell phones, telephones, internet, etc.)

I've therefore been thinking... what if it all goes down? What if the only way to contact someone is if you've got a generator powering a small laptop with a cantenna (google for yagi antenna and cantenna to know), and have to search the horizon for others doing likewise....

What do people think? I'd love to get a discussion on possible solutions to an otherwise miserable situation... are there groups already doing/preparing for this possibility?

Lets get some crazy talk happening!
Old 04-03-2003, 08:35 PM   #2
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Re: Armageddon | Cantenna | Solar Power --> Ideas?

Originally posted by lazlow69
I've therefore been thinking... what if it all goes down? What if the only way to contact someone is if you've got a generator powering a small laptop with a cantenna (google for yagi antenna and cantenna to know), and have to search the horizon for others doing likewise....

A laptop and a generator? Huh, how about a radio and some batteries? Or just two legs.

I'm thinkin if it all goes down you'll have a truckload more to worry about than logging on to LinuxQuestions no???
Old 04-05-2003, 11:02 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Central New Jersey
Distribution: Knoppix to play, Slack current, OpenBSD stables
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Rep: Reputation: 15
hehe, you're right. I just figured it would be fun to check my email and chat a little while I eat some radioactive deer that I had to wrestle to the ground with my new third arm.

Hey, if it all goes down, but somehow I'm still here, I'll be bored as anything, so having a laptop and a generator might be fun. Although New York City as my own personal playground or something might be pretty fun too. Shame on me.


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