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Old 01-03-2021, 03:09 PM   #31
LQ Guru
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I didn't bother - he's trolling imho.
For your sake:

Arm sells well specified but closed IP cores. The dev team write a hardware description (in vhdl or verilog), and compile it. It's like a closed source program - you can't reverse engineer it. But you can import it into your own SoC. Arm is not UK or China, but US now that Nvidia have bought it. Arm are extremely helpful to engineerrs trying to get product out. Hardware designers have all they need to connect all manner of GPUs (No GPU ever went near the Southbridge anyhow), all manner of usb, nics, pcie, etc. Sure instruction sets are not backwards compatible, but neither is anyone else's. Most of his other crap debunks itself.

Arm's single threaded performance lags behind AMD/Intel, but it's cpu power per watt is unsurpassed. So it goes in all battery powered stuff, new Mac Laptops (8 cores @ 2.5Ghz, turbo to 4.5Ghz), and servers. The Ampere Computing Servers use an 80 core cpu that runs at full turbo continuously @3.3Ghz and under those conditions it's rated @ 250W. Fancy 80 cores in your box? AWS does it's own in house servers that it pimps out. They use Arm 2.5Ghz cores @ 1W per core!

Where Arm falls behind, imho is microcode, or maybe it's the SoC designers. The RazPi & others have half-assed booting methods due to a lack of proper microcode or BIOS - I'm not sure which.
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