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Old 08-28-2003, 01:58 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: BRONX, NY
Distribution: Mandrake 9.1
Posts: 5

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Anyone Have Rtl8100 etho and Optimum?Help me Config.

I have tried sooo many things at this point and I still have many problems but my BIGGEST is having to use WXP to search my problems because L MDK cant config my LAN.

Mdk 9.1
Emachines t1840
80/ 40 Linux 40 Fat32
Intel 845G chipset
Imperial Motherboard
Pheonix Bios

1. When booting GRUB choose Lnx All good...while loading it Sticks at:
etho---------------------------------------------------( )
eventually it says (OK) but it takes about 1 minute its the longest part of boot.
2. Not Connected, it sees the rtl8139 (thats the driver thats there) but many attempts at different configs (static and dhcp) wihth IP's and autodetecting, EVERYTHING....BUT
I called Optimum Online and while he said "we do not support linux" he kind of hinted I should be able to get it up so Im sure Im doing something wrong or missing something

Is there anybody outthere with a similar configuration that got theirs up and can help.....................please.....................
Old 09-25-2003, 09:09 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Sydney Australia
Distribution: mdk 8.2 9.0 9.1 redhat 8.0 9.0
Posts: 4

Rep: Reputation: 0
Hi there,

I have had exactly the same problem!
I have done a lot of scratching around over the last couple of day to find uptodated source code for the driver 8139too and it seems that there is only source for the 8.2 kernel version 2.4.18-6mdk so if you compile this source it wont install due to kernel issues i ended up using mdk8.2 and it works fine.
the problem is wide spread also from nis, vga and sound cards to motherboards.
it seems alot of people are having the same problem and it seems funny that an older kernel works fine and a new kernel dosen't. mdk9.2 is in beta release so i was going to down load that and give it a try.


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