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Old 02-06-2003, 11:18 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 52

Rep: Reputation: 15
alternate paths to disk storage

We have a Qlogic FC-Adapter (QLA2310F) in a HP LP2000r. It's connected over a
Brocade FC-Switch to a STK D173 diskstorage system with two controllers.

When the system boots (RH 8.0), it identifies both paths to the disks (both WWN-
nodes and ports become recognized). A cat to /proc/scsi/qlogic/2 shows the same
info when the system is up. However, there is only one device file connected to
the disks allthough there are two paths to them. The two problems are:
1) With the disk storage manager SW we assigned a preferred controller to be
used by the RH-system. When RH comes up it forces to use the alternate
controller which causes an alarm condition to the disk system.
2) In case of a (disk) controller failure we don't know how RH must be
configured to use the alternate controller (path).

We searched the Web-pages of Qlogic and found only drivers for RH7.3. On the
other side we installed the default RH8.0 driver. Did we make the right


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