The first time I tried wget I started a download using mozilla; in the download window was the full ftp address for that file, so I copied and pasted that into a terminal, put "wget -c" in front of it (stopped the mozilla download) and pressed enter - voila! Try it, even when you close the terminal it keeps on chugging away.
The list of mirrors for slack are on their website: - try browsing using mozilla (or similar) when you find the file(s) you want, copy the url from the navigation toolbar + the name(s) of the file(s) you want - eg.
then either add the name of the file you want eg.
or just add "*.tgz" to wget them all
then put "wget -c" in front of it all (in a terminal) and press return. (note - "-c" = continue... man wget;~)
edit: try upgrading to kernel 2.4.24 first, it seems to be easier than 2.6 at the moment, follow the instructions in my previous post for compiling the kernel - you will need to:
upgradepkg kernel-source-2.4.24-noarch-1.tgz
upgradepkg kernel-modules-2.4.24-i486-1.tgz
upgradepkg kernel-ide-2.4.24-i486-1.tgz
then compile, then upgradepkg the alsa files in order to have sound again (most importantly alsadrivers as they reside in /lib/modules - have a look at what changes occur there)
good luck!