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Old 02-06-2003, 10:30 AM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Rome, Italy ; Novi Sad, Srbija; Brisbane, Australia
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ADSL splitter/filter

I got my phone bill, and it's extremely high, and my father is making me pay it from now on, so i activated a ADSL service (they should activate it withing a week or so), so i'll be able to afford internet 24/7, and faster..
Anyhow, now i have a ISDN (dual) line. When i'm on line, at 56k, other phone in the house remains free. With ADSL it should be the same, but i was told i have to install filters/spliters on each phone device. Phone setup is as follow:

Main line coming into the house, and into the phone central box (i dunno the real name in english) Then 8 wires go through the house (walls) and eight phone sockets are over the house. Eight phones are conected to the sockets and work. Some sockets are "tripolar" some "pluck". I was told i need to put the filters/splitters between the wall socket and the phone device, on each phone i have, or else the phone will not work. I understand that i need to plug the phone cord into the filter, and then the filter into the wall phone socket. Is this correct?

Another problem is with the "central phone box". I was told i need not mess with it, and that it will be OK, as long as i put the filters for the phone devices, and don't touch the box. Is this correct?

Finally, three of 8 phones dont have normal "tripolr" or "pluck" sockets, but instead they are just pluggen into the electricity wall socket, and i have no idea where to put the splitter/filter on these phones? Any ideas.

I know this is a very confusing post, but i'm very concerned about this, because if when the ADSL line is activated the phones stop working my father will crucify me...
Thank you for any help or explanations about how phones/splitters work.
These days i can't be on the net very long as i said... so hopefully i will soon get this damn ADSL line, and be back with you guys.
Thank you again
Old 02-06-2003, 10:54 AM   #2
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 195

Rep: Reputation: 30
Well, normally you put filters everywhere except the one line that goes to the computer. But most installers (the people who come out and turn it on) can just run you a seperate set of wires, so it doesn't interfere with the phone lines at all. This would probably be the best thing to ask for. Might cost you extra, but would save the headache afterwards.
Old 02-06-2003, 11:56 AM   #3
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Nope, theres no people who will come to install it, the packet "with everything in" comes by mail, and it's up to me to install it. Also, i remember the technician was trying o put new wires through when i activted ISDN two yeasr ago, and he said theres no more space, he can't put any more wires through. I've done some reading, and figured out how to put the filter on all my phones, except the one directly connected to the "central phone box"
This phone isn't connected to the wall jack like others, but it's cable is directly connected to the "central box" and this phone controls all the other phones (you can disconnect, pass calls, etc.. from this phone to all the others) I heard thsi phone should not need a filter, whoever i'm not sure about this, and i'm afraid i'll have problems setting this phone up. If i mess up the "central box" all phones will get screwed, so i guess i'll have to try not putting a filter on this phone only, and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, i'll have to open up the box and do some cutting, but i really don't want to do this...
Any more suggestions?
Old 02-06-2003, 12:01 PM   #4
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 195

Rep: Reputation: 30
Nothing comes to mind. That is one of the most complicated setups I've heard of. :_) All I can say is to remember that ADSL just comes in on one pair of wires, in my experience. If you can figure out what pair they are coming in on, you can just reroute those through to your system first, then out through a filter (using a dual jack thingy to split it up) and then, if necessary, back to the back and back in again. That way, you will cut the least amount of times, and do the least amount of damage.

You will probably learn a hell of a lot while you are at it. God knows I always end up learning that way.
Old 02-07-2003, 10:55 AM   #5
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Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Rome, Italy ; Novi Sad, Srbija; Brisbane, Australia
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I just hope i dont screw up, as i said if i do, i'll get crucified since my father's bussiness involves a lot of phone use, thats why we have 8 phones in the house...
Currently i'm reading instruction manuals for the "central box" thing, maybe i'll find out something from there.. A phone technician costs 90 euros per visit.. I can't afford that..
Well, as i said, i won't be coming here as often anymore, until i sort this mess out.
Thank you so much for your help


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