That's the product, unfortunately they only have Windows drivers and I want to also use this card under linux so as to do video editing with Cinelerra, or also to use it in conjunction with MythTV. Note that I know nothing about above two programs, except what they do, but I'm sure there's no point trying to use them without getting a driver for this card first. This card apparently uses the Conexant 2388x crossbar or something, so if there is a driver for that or something, I don't really know much about drivers. But I'm guessing I may be able to use a driver for another card that uses the same chip, since the driver in Windows says the device is manufactured by Conexant.
Oh, if you're wondering why I didn't just get a TV tuner from ATI or something, this was dirt cheap at Fry's ($15). I also sort of wanted to use it as an output for consoles (my gamecube) which I can do under Windows, which is pretty cool because sometimes the living room is crowded when we have guests, so us kids can't play GC downstairs.